Nicholas Joseph (Nick) Cercone, F’IEEE Curriculum Vitae
Nicholas Joseph (Nick) Cercone, F’IEEE
September 2006
Born: 18 December 1946 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Current Address: 319 Runnymede Rd., Toronto, Ontario. M6S 2Y5
Telephone: ((home) or (416) 736-5051(office)
Fax: (416) 736-5950
BS 1968 The University of Steubenville (Engineering Science)
MS 1970 The Ohio State University (Computer and Information Science)
Ph.D. 1975 The University of Alberta (Computing Science)
Professional Experience
2006- Professor
and Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, York University, Toronto, ON.
2004- Adjunct
Professor. Computer Engineering Department, King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi (Thailand)
2003- Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON.
2002-2006 Professor and Dean, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
2002- Adjunct Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.
2002- Academic Advisor, Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
2000-01 Academic Consultant, Faculty of
Science, Saltan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
1997-2002 Professor, Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
2001-2002 Visiting Professor. Computer Engineering
Department, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Thonburi (Thailand)
1997-2002 Professor and Chair, Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON
Since assuming
the Chair of Computer Science, we have added 28 bright new faculty members
(from 1993-1997 Computer Science was unable to hire any new faculty). In
addition new interdisciplinary programs have begun, including bioinformatics,
healthcare informatics, digital media, and software engineering. I am most
proud of the software engineering new degree program, which is administered
jointly by Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. By putting
the good of the students above all other concerns, Waterloo was able to join
forces with the two most dynamic departments on campus despite belonging to different
Faculties. Fund raising has been a big part of this position and we have worked
hard on the Nortel, Bell, Bank of Nova Scotia, QNX, etc., who have benefited
both Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Waterloo.
1997- Adjunct Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Regina, Regina, SK.
1997-1997 Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Regina SK.
1993-1997 Associate Vice-President Research & Dean
of Graduate Studies, Univ. of Regina, Regina, SK. also International
Liaison Officer and Technology Transfer Officer
In charge of
three portfolios in Regina, each one was improved, reflected my particular
biases. In four years 22 new international agreements were signed with foreign
organizations, primarily universities and governments. Student exchanges
flourished, especially from Asian and African students. The amount of grant
funding nearly tripled at the University in four years, and in two of those
years the University of Regina led the nation in the percentage increase of
NSERC grants. I initiated the Center for Advanced Systems (CAS) and wrote a
major installation proposal to NSERC that was funded to initiate the CAS as a
reality. During that same period, nine new graduate programs were started,
including six interdisciplinary programs, e.g., the new masters in manufacturing
which combined expertise from the Engineering Faculty, Computer Science
Department and the Faculty of Administration. Internal funding programs to seed
projects were started and a special graduate student conference became a yearly
event with Proceedings published.
1988-1995 Associate Member, Linguistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
1987-1992 Director, Centre for Systems Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
As the initial
Director of the Centre for Systems Science (CSS), with an annual budget of
$3.2M, I developed the CSS infrastructure, programs, staff, and computing
network support group into a successful broadly based research infrastructure
for advanced systems research. The CSS applied its funds judiciously to
leverage $25M in new funds into Simon Fraser researcher’s projects in a
five-year period. By 1992 the CSS had 120 faculty members from five Faculties,
focussed on interdisciplinary research in three broad areas: microelectronics,
intelligent systems, and computing. Under my tutelage, the CSS helped to
initiate the micromachining laboratory and the optical characterization
laboratory at SFU. The CSS Scholarships were highly visible, as were the
strategic initiative grants. The CSS also created 12 new faculty positions, six
each in Engineering and Computer Science. The CSS provided computer
infrastructure services to over 120 faculty and 200 graduate students. As
Director, I was SFU’s representative to the BC Advanced Systems Institute (for
whom I wrote their initial proposal). Although the CSS was established with
Engineering and Science in mind, the entire University benefited from the
breadth of programs and the quality of adjudication of internal fund programs.
1986-1987 Visiting Professor, University of Victoria British Columbia.
I spent one
year visiting Computer Science at the University of Victoria at the request of
Eric Manning, the new Dean of Engineering. Eric had requested that I help him
to establish the Laboratory for Automation, Communication and Information
Research (LACIR) and the move of Computer Science into Engineering. I wrote
several proposals for UVictoria to help accomplish these items.
1985-1995 Professor, Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.
1980-1985 Associate Professor & Chair, Computing
Science, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, B C.
During this
term as Chair, I helped to evolve the Computer Science Program into the School of Computing Science. We increased the School to 28 faculty from 7 faculty and also
the overall personnel to 42 people (from 18). We developed a strong program in
digital systems design at this time in computing science. Together with Gord
McCalla, we initiated and edit the international journal Computational
Intelligence, initially published by the National Research Council of Canada
(NRCC) and now by Blackwell’s, Publisher. I began to take on national roles, as
president of the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Society (CSCSI/SCEIO) and as
president of the Canadian Society for 5th Generation Research.
1980-1980 Visiting Associate Professor, Math &
Computing, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N.Y.
I was selected
to chair computing science in 1980 and took a leave for one semester to develop
a long-range plan for the department. I visited Rensselaer and helped them to
develop a graduate program, taught engineers programming, and helped Rensselaer to develop their curriculum.
1976-1980 Assistant Professor, Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.
I became the
fifth faculty member in the then new computer science program at Simon Fraser.
Initially I taught six courses per year and developed the curriculum. In my
second year I developed the graduate program, both the masters and doctoral
1975-1976 Assistant Professor, Math & Computer
Science, Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA.
Old Dominion
hired its initial five computer scientists in 1975 with students entering their
4th year and expecting computer science degrees. The new faculty, myself
included, set about to revising the curriculum in the month before Fall classes
began in order to maximize the academic program of the existing students. I was
called upon to design curriculum and teach new courses for new Computer Science
program. I initiated a reading room and a technical reports series.
1972-1975 Ph.D. Student & Instructor, Computing
Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
another study leave from IBM to pursue a Ph.D. in computing science, I enrolled
primarily as a Ph.D. student at the University of Alberta and taught data
structures courses.
1971-1972 Instructor, Systems Development, IBM
Corporation, Poughkeepsie, New York.
Returning to
IBM after a two year’s leave of absence to pursue my masters, I was reassigned
to IBM education and taught and developed File and Data structures courses
including Job Control Language (JCL), Internal Operating System (OS) Logic,
logic design, etc. Typically IBM Systems engineers took these courses. From
time to time I was sent to Burlington, Vermont to teach specialized design
courses to IBM circuit designers (prior to VLSI technology).
1970-1971 Lecturer, Computer & Information
Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
After completing
my masters in computer and information science, with nearly a year remaining on
my two year IBM leave of absence, I was asked and taught and developed upper
level undergraduate systems and programming courses, including operating
systems and systems programming, for the Ohio State University. At the same
time I was employed half time in the Ohio State University Computer Center and was responsible for consulting services to other University customers,
e.g., agricultural engineers would seek my advice on program requirements and
1969-1970 Programmer, Systems Development, IBM
Corporation, Poughkeepsie, New York.
After spending
3 months in IBM programmer training, I wrote design automation programs for
IBM’s Engineering Information Systems (EIS) Project for nearly one year. This
project employed 145 programmers and designers and I worked on it for the third
of its six years lifetime. I distinguished myself by becoming the first
programmer to successfully navigate all seven EIS subsystems, which were
constantly under revision, thus illustrating “proof of concept” to the chief
designer and his design team. I was responsible for implementing the dependency
selection section of the system, which permitted IBM computer engineers to
specialize versions of the IBM System 360-model xx for particular requirements
for individual customers.
1965-1968 Junior Designer, Peter F. Loftus
Consulting Engineers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Each summer
for four months I returned to Peter Loftus to work as a junior designer
(internship). Essentially I was a draftsman and drew design layouts for
structural steel fabrication, mechanical piping layouts, concrete and asphalt
designs for buildings, and electrical layouts. Although my drawings were
checked by a senior design engineer, I was encouraged to test designs of my own
from time to time, e.g., I designed a brake for an elevator for a 28 story
building to stop the elevator in the event of a free fall. [My design was
significantly modified before putting it into use]. I enjoyed this work and got
on well with the resident architects and engineers, especially my supervisor,
Red Rohrs.
Note: Throughout my career, research engagement and
research supervision have played an important role. I have produced over 300
refereed publications, graduated over 60 graduate students under my direct
supervision, including 16 Ph.D. students, and have been involved on numerous
national and international program committees as chair, member, steering
committee member, etc. The most recent projects for which I have been involved
as research director are listed below; all of them have involved significant
industrial participation. Work of these projects have been supported by over
$15M of research grant or research contract funding. I have consulted to Boeing
Corporation, Open Text Corporation, Showbase Media, Rogers Cablesystems, SaskTel,
Knowledge-Junction Systems Inc., Glaxo-Wellcome Inc. and others.
I have also held positions of influence on NSERC committees (often as a site
visit chair) including grant selection committees. I served twice on the
Steacie committee, CFI & CRC committees, NRCC articulation committees, the
Genome Assessment of Technology Committee, the CANARIE Board, theme coordinator
and project leader of the IRIS NCE, various United States NSF Committees, and
so on. I have become involved in numerous national and international
activities, serve on half a dozen editorial boards, and have served on numerous
Provincial and Federal committees. Most fondly, I think of myself as a teacher
and faculty member at Dalhousie University.
Professional Societies
IEEE Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Fellow
ACM Association for Computing
Machinery – member
ACL Association for
Computational Linguistics – member
ALLC Association for Literary
and Linguistic Computing – member
AAAI American Association for
Artificial Intelligence – member
CSCSI/SCEIO Canadian Society for
Computational Studies of Intelligence (Pres1982/4)
CSFGR/SCRSCG Canadian Society for 5th Generation
Research (President 1985/90)
CACS/AIC Canadian Association of
Computer Science (Founding President 1991-1994)
TCDE IEEE Tech. Cmte. on Data
Engineering (Vice President 1991-1997)
ICDM IEEE Steering Committee
Data Mining (2000- )
TCCI IEEE Tech. Cmte on
Computational Intelligence, Steering Committee (2001-)
WI/IAT IEEE Steering Cmte. on
Web Intelligence. Intelligent Agent Technology (2003-)
RSFDGrC Advisory
Board (2003-)
Research and Teaching Interests
Artificial Intelligence (including automated natural language
understanding, computational linguistics, and knowledge representation);
Knowledge-Based Systems (including knowledge discovery, data analysis and data
mining), Human-Machine Interfaces (including natural language and multimedia
Research Projects
My primary research objectives
include: (1) learning, knowledge discovery (KDD), data mining and analysis, and
KDD visualization, and (2) design and implementations of natural language (NL)
and multimodal interfaces to databases and information systems. Secondary
research objectives include: (1) developing formal representations for
automated NL understanding (NLU); (2) classification and rule induction from
large datasets; (3) machine translation architectures using HPSGs; (4) natural
language access to internet search engines; (5) inferential modeling for
knowledge-based systems; and (6) automatic generation of coherent NL discourse.
SYSTEMX, our prototype
natural language interface (English to SQL translator) to relational databases
resulted in several state-of-the-art advances. These advances include design
and implementation of an HPSG parser for multiple domains, inheritance
reasoning for HPSG, learning of semantic & syntactic information through
dialog, computing & utilizing correct navigation (join path) information
during interface usage, and portability. We stimulate “technology transfer”
with Rogers Cablesystems Ltd. (customer service), Environment Canada
(information holdings), SaskTel (marketing) and NSERC (grants information
database). We applied SYSTEMX technology in cooperation with Sask Health; this
collaboration resulted in the HERMES database interface to a simulated Sask health database.
HERMES is a Head-Driven
Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) based natural language interface (NLI) for
ad-hoc queries on a medical database. HPSG is a syntactical based grammatical
formalism that unifies a phrase into a single meaning. NLIDB (natural language
interface to a database) for medical databases. This interface is named Hermes.
This is in recognition of both his ability as a messenger between gods and
mortals and for his staff, the cadecus, that is used as a symbol by the medical
profession. This system strives to improve the communication between the user
and the database. The present Hermes system is implemented in a SGI IRIX
environment to access the medical database designed by Weidong Yu.
DBLEARN, our initial
database learning system, performs knowledge discovery in databases. Using
attribute-oriented induction with set-oriented database operations, we extract
generalized data from databases. An attribute-oriented concept tree ascension
technique is applied in generalization, substantially reducing the
computational complexity of database learning processes. Characteristic,
discrimination, association, and statistical (evolution) rules can be
discovered using this approach. DBDISCOVER improved the efficiency of
DBLEARN 1000-fold and has been transferred to industry (Rogers Cablesystems,
Paradigm, Showbase & SaskTel).
DBROUGH further refines
the data mining capabilities by applying rough sets technology to the final
generalized relation (from DBLEARN) and, without loss of information, further
reduces the final generalized relation. GRG (generalize, reduce,
generate) amalgamates the best of DBDISCOVER and DBROUGH. We plan to augment
and integrate the DBLEARN family with SYSTEMX.
Machine translation has fascinated and frustrated researchers
for over 50 years. Recent successes in statistical, nonlinguistic and hybrid systems
have given hope that we will not be confined to the traditional direct, transfer
and intralingual approaches that have dominated in the past. We provide an
approach from computer science methodology: generate and repair machine translation.
GRMT comprises three phases: Analysis Lite MT, Translation
Candidate Interpretation (TCI) and Repair and Iterate (RI). ALMT generates
translation candidates (TC) by considering syntactic and semantic differences between
language pairs without performing any sophisticated analysis. This ensures that
the TC can be generated quickly, simply and efficiently. Next, the system
interprets the TC to see if it retains the meaning of the SL. If so, that TC
will be considered a translation. If not, that TC will be repaired based on the
diagnosis indicated in the TCI phase.. Subsequently the repaired TC will be
re-interpreted to determine if it still has a different meaning from the SL.
These two processes iterate until the TC conveys the same meaning as the SL.
The TCI and RI stages ensure the accuracy of the translation result. They also
guarantee translation accuracy.
GRMT treats SL and TL separately and is aware of differences
between languages. Thus, if languages can be grouped according to various
characteristics, e.g., auxiliary verb, continuous tenses, passive voice, etc.,
which they have in common, then the translation between groups can be performed
more simply by GRMT. For example: Group 1 consists of English, French and
Spanish, Group 2 consists of Chinese, Japanese and Thai. To perform the
translation between these two groups, the transfer approach requires six SL
analyzers, six TL generations and 18 sets of transfer rules while GRMT requires
six SL TCIs, six TL TCIs and 2 sets of constraint applications.
ELEM2 is a rule induction and classification system
that induces decision rules from a set of observed data and classifies new
examples by applying the induced rules. ELEM2 is distinguished from other rule
induction systems in that it employs several new strategies in the induction
and classification processes. ELEM2 uses a new heuristic function for
evaluating attribute-value pairs in the induction process. The function
reflects the degree of relevance of an attribute-value pair to a target concept
and leads to selection of the most relevant pairs for formulating rules. ELEM2
handles inconsistent training examples by defining an unlearnable region of a
concept based on the probability distribution of that concept in the training
data. The unlearnable region is used as a stopping criterion for the concept
learning process, which resolves conflicts without removing inconsistent
examples before rule induction. ELEM2 employs a new rule quality measure for
the purpose of handling imperfect data by post-pruning generated rules. The
measure is defined according to the relative distribution of a rule with
respect to positive and negative examples and is chosen from four alternatives
that represent different kinds of distributions. Experiments to evaluate ELEM2
compared ELEM2 with two standard rule induction methods, C4.5 and CN2, on both
artificial and real-world datasets. Our results show that ELEM2 produces better
classification accuracies than C4.5 and CN2 on most of the tested datasets. We
are actively engaged in technology transfer of ELEM2 with Knowledge Junction
Systems Inc.
ELEM2-CBR is a learning and problem solving system
that integrates rule induction and case-based reasoning. ELEM2-CBR employs a
new weighting method, called relevance weighting, to assess similarities
between cases. Relevance weighting method makes use of rule induction results
to assign weights to attribute-value pairs of the query case. Cases in the case
base can be ranked according to their probability of relevance to the new case.
ELEM2-CBR performs both classification and numeric prediction under a mixed
paradigm of rule-based and case-based reasoning. We applied ELEM2-CBR to water
demand prediction. Results from this application compared favorably with
results from a time series prediction method.
HYRIS (Hybrid Rough Set Intelligent System
Architecture for Survival Analysis) is a comprehensive intelligent system for
survival data analysis. HYRIS circumvents two challenges for survival analysis.
HYRIS performs survival data analysis with consideration of censor variables,
hypothesis testing and reducts/probe reducts that are original in our study.
Our research with HPSG parsers and
with KDD is considered pioneering work in both areas (KDD Newsletter). We were
among the initial research teams to become involved in the development of the
theory of both. Primary and secondary research activity described facilitates
some of our IRIS NCE, NSERC Strategic grant, CITO grant and industrial contract
and more applied research activity.
Cercone, N. (ed.) (1983) Computational Linguistics.
Permagon Press, Oxford, U.K. ISBN 0-08-030253-X, 245 pps.
Cercone, N., and McCalla, G. (eds.) (1987) The Knowledge
Frontier: Essays in the Representation of Knowledge. Springer-Verlag, Symbolic
Computation Series, New York, ISBN 3-540-96557-2, 552 pps.
Cercone, N., and Gardin, F. (eds.) (1991) Computational
Intelligence, III. North-Holland, Amsterdam. ISBN 0-444-89118-8, 325 pps.
Wu, Xu, Ichikawa, Tadao, and Cercone, Nick (1996)
Knowledge-Based Assisted Database Retrieval Systems. World Scientific
Publishers, Singapore, ISBN 981-02-1850-8, 232 pps.
Lin, T. Y., and Cercone, Nick (eds.) (1997) Rough Sets and
Data Mining: Analysis of Imprecise Data. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 436 pps.
Liu, J., Liu, C., Klusch, M.,
Zhong, N., Cercone, N. (eds.) (2003) Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC International
Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2003), IEEE Computer Society Press,
California, USA.
Papers Appearing in Refereed Journals
1. Cercone, N. (1975) The Nature and Computational Use of
a Meaning Representation for Word Concepts. American J. of Computational
Linguistics 2, AJCL Microfiche 34, 64-81.
2. Cercone, N. (1978) Morphological Analysis and Lexicon
Design for Natural Language Processing. Computers and the Humanities 11,
3. Cercone, N., and Mercer, R. (1980) Design of Lexicons
in Some Natural Language Systems. Journal of the Association of Literary and
Linguistic Computing 1, 37-51.
4. Cercone, N. (1981) Some Problems in Representing
Grammatical Modifiers. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence 4, 357-368.
5. Cercone, N, Krause, M., and Boates, J. (1983) Minimal
and Almost Minimal Perfect Hash Function Search with Application to Nat. Lang.
Lexicon Design. Computers and Mathematics 9(1), 215-232.
6. McCalla, G, & Cercone, N. (1983) Approaches to
Knowledge Representation. IEEE Computer 16(10), 12-18.
7. Cercone, N., and Goebel, R (1984) Data Bases and
Knowledge Representation for Literary and Linguistic Studies. Computers and the
Humanities 17(3), 121-138.
8. Cercone, N., and McCalla, G. (1984) Artificial
Intelligence: Underlying Assumptions and Basic Objectives. American Journal for
Information Science 35(5), 280-290.
9. McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1984) Artificial
Intelligence: A National Synopsis. INFOR 22(4), 299-302.
10. McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1985) Techniques and
Issues in the Design of Applied Artificial Intelligence Systems. Computers and
Mathematics 11(5), 421-430.
11. Cercone, N., and Murchison, C. (1985) Integrating Artificial
Intelligence in Literary Research: An Invitation to Discuss Design
Specifications. Computers & the Humanities 19(4), 235-243.
12. Cercone, N., Boates, J., and Krause, M. (1985) An
Interactive System for Finding Perfect Hash Functions. IEEE Software 2(6),
13. Strzalkowski, T., and Cercone, N. (1986) A Framework
for Computing Extra Sentential References. Computational Intelligence 2(4),
NRCC, 159-180.
14. Hafer, L., Cercone, N., McLaughlin, G., and Murchison,
C. (1987) A Contemporary Design for an Academic Computing Facility. IEEE
Transactions on Education E-30(3), 174-185.
15. Cercone, N. (1987) Finding & Applying Perfect Hash
Functions. Applied Mathematics Letters 1(1), 25-29.
16. Cercone, N., (1987) Knowledge Representation: An
Overview. Indian Journal of Technology 25, 521-543.
17. Kao, M., Cercone, N., and Luk, W.S. (1988) Providing
Quality Responses with Natural Language Interfaces: the Null Value Problem.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14(7) July, 959-984.
18. Cercone, N., and Krause, M. (1989) An Informal
Analysis of Perfect Hash Function Search. Applied Mathematics Letters 2(3),
19. Strzalkowski, T. and Cercone, N. (1989) Non Singular
Concepts in Natural Language Discourse. Computational Linguistics 15(4),
20. Cai, Y., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1991) Learning in
Relational Databases: An Attribute Oriented Approach. Computational
Intelligence 7(3), NRCC, 119-132.
21. Cercone, N., Goebel, R., de Haan, J., and Schaeffer,
S., (1992) The ECO Family Summary, Special Issue of Computers and Mathematics
on Semantic Networks, F. Lehmann (ed.), 23(2-5), 95-132.
22. Pattabhiraman, T., and Cercone, N. (1991) Introduction
to the Special Issue on Natural Language Generation. Computational Intelligence
7(4), NRCC, 199-206.
23. Kuttner, E., Havens, W., and Cercone, N. (1992)
Processing Natural Language with Schema Constraint Networks. Computers and
Mathematics, 24(11), 3-10.
24. Cercone, N., and Pattabhiraman, T. (1992) Introduction
to the Special Issue on Natural Language Generation (continued). Computational
Intelligence 8(1), Blackwell’s Pub., 72-76.
25. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1993) Data Driven
Discovery of Quantitative Rules in Relational Databases. IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering 5(1), 29-41.
26. Cercone, N., Han, J., McFetridge, P., Popowich, F.,
Cai, Y., Fass, D., Groeneboer, C., Hall, G., and Huang, Y. (1994) SystemX and
DBLearn: easily getting more from your Relational Database. invited for
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, F. Golshani (ed.), 1(4), 311-339.
27. Cercone, N., and McCalla, G. (1994) Ten years of
Computational Intelligence. Computational Intelligence 10(4), Blackwell’s Pub.,
28. Xiang, Y., Wong, M., and Cercone, N. (1995)
Quantification of Uncertainty in Classification Rules Discovered from
Databases, Computational Intelligence 11(2), Blackwell’s, 427-441.
29. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (1995) Learning in Relational
Databases: A Rough Set Approach, Computational Intelligence 11(2), Blackwell’s
Pub., 323-338.
30. Hu, X., and Cercone, N., and Shan, N. (1995) A Rough
Set Approach to Compute All the Maximal Generalized Rules from Databases,
Journal of Computing and Information (special issue from – 6th Int. Conference
on Computing and Information – ICCI’94) 1(1), 1078-1089.
31. Chan, C., Tontiwachwuthikul, P., and Cercone, N.
(1995) Knowledge Engineering for a Process Design Domain. International Journal
of Expert Systems: Research and Applications 8(1), 47-76.
32. Wu, X., Cercone, N., and Ichikawa, T. (1995) A
Knowledge-Based System for Generating Informative Responses to Indirect
Database Queries. Intelligent Information Systems 5, Kluwer Academic, 5-23.
33. Han, J., Cai, Y., Cercone, N. and Huang, Y. (1995)
Discovery of Data Evolution Regularities in Large Databases. Journal of
Computer and Software Engineering (a special issue on Methodologies and Tools
for Intelligent Information Systems), 3(1), 41-69.
34. Shan, N., Hamilton,H. and Cercone, N. (1996) GRG:
Knowledge and Discovery Using Information Generalization, Information
Reduction, and Rule Generation, special issue of the International Journal of
Artificial Intelligence Tools 5(1&2), 99-112.
35. Han, J., Huang, Y., Cercone, N. and Fu, Y. (1996)
Intelligent Query Answering by Knowledge Discovery Techniques. IEEE Trans on
Knowledge and Data Engineering 8(3), 373-390.
36. An, A., Shan, N., Chan, C., Cercone, N., and Ziarko,
W. (1996) Discovering Rules from Data for Water Demand Prediction. Journal of
Intelligent Real-Time Automation: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
9(6), Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd., 645-654.
37. Wu, X., and Cercone, N. (1996) A graphical
User-Interface for Knowledge Discovery in Databases. International Journal of
Intelligent Real-Time Automation: Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence. 9(6), Pergamon, Elsevier Science Ltd., 691-700.
38 Y. Xiang, S.K.M. Wong and N. Cercone, (1997) A
‘Microscopic’ Study of Minimum Entropy Search in Learning Decomposable Markov
Networks, Machine Learning 26, 65-92.
39. An, A., Chan, C., & Cercone, N. (1997) An
Application of Knowledge Discovery Techniques for Prediction of Consumption for
Water-Supply Network Control, IEEE Expert , 72-78.
40. Hilderman, R., Carter, C., Hamilton, H., and Cercone,
N., (1998) Mining Association Rules from Market Basket Data Using Share
Measures and Characterized Itemsets, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Tools 7(2),189-220.
41. Cercone, N., An, A., and Chan, C. (1999) Rule
Induction and Case-Based Reasoning: Hybrid Architectures appear Advantageous,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 11(1), 166-174.
42. Naruedomkul, K., Cercone, N. , and Sirinaovakul, B.
(1999) English-Thai Translation: Initial Experiments with a Multiphase
Translation Sys., Computational Intelligence 15(2), 128-151.
43. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (1999) Data Mining via
Discretization, Generalization and Rough Set Feature Extraction, Knowledge and
Information Systems: An Int. Journal 2(2), 33-60.
44. Hilderman, R.J., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
(1999) Data Mining in Large Databases Using Domain Generalization Graphs, J. of
Intelligent Information Systems 13, 195-234.
45. Huang, X., Robertson, S.E., Cercone, N., and An, A.
(2000) Probability-based Chinese Text Processing and Retrieval, Computational
Intelligence, 552-569.
46. Han, J., and Cercone, N. (2000) Visualizing The
Process Of Knowledge Discovery, J of Electronic Imaging, special issue on
Visualization & Data Analysis (Edward R. Dougherty; Ed.), SPIE Journals,
47. An, A., and Cercone, N. (2001) Rule Quality Measures
for Rule Induction Systems: Description and Evaluation, Computational
Intelligence, 17(3), 409-424.
48. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (2001) Discovering Maximal
Generalized Decision Rules Through Horizontal and Vertical Data Reduction, Computational
Intelligence, 17(4), 685-702.
49. Naruedomkul, K., and Cercone, N. (2002) Generate and
Repair Machine Translation, Computational Intelligence, 18(3), 254-270.
50. Abou-Asseleh, T., and Cercone, N., (2003) Relaxed
Unification – Proposal, Applied Mathematics Letters, Elsevier-Science, New York, 747-751.
51. Cercone, N., Hou, J., Kešelj, V., An, A.
Naruedomkul, K., and Hu, X. (2002) Computational Intelligence to Web
Intelligence, IEEE Computer, 35(11), 72-76.
52. Wang, Y., and Cercone, N. (2002) Fast Searches In A
Recommendation Session, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Elsevier Science
Ltd., 1265-1274.
53 Xiang, Y., Lee, J., and Cercone, N. (2004)
Parameterization of Pseudo-independent Models, special issue of International
Journal of Intelligent Systems IJIS, 749-768).
54. Xiang, Y., An,X., and Cercone, N. (2003) Simulation of
Graphical Models for Multiagent Probabilistic Inference, SIMULATION:
Transactions of Society for Modeling and Simulation International 79 (10),
55. Kešelj, V., and
Cercone, N. (2003) A graph unification machine for NL parsing, Computers &
Mathematics with Applications, 46 (2003) 393-419
56. Huang, X., Peng, F., Schuurmans, D., Cercone, N., and
Robertson, S. (2003). Applying Machine Learning to Text Segmentation for
Information Retrieval, Journal of Information Retrieval, Kluwer Pubs., 6(3),
57. Wu, X., Yu, P., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Cercone, N.,
Lin, T.Y., Kotagiri, R. and Wah, B. (2003) Data Mining: How Research meets
Practical Development, Knowledge and Information Systems 5(2), 248-261.
58. Han, J., Hu, X. and Cercone, N. (2003) A visualization
model of interactive knowledge discovery systems and its implementations,
Information Visualization 2: 105-125.
59. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (2004) A Data Warehouse/OLAM
Framework for Web Usage Mining and Business Intelligence Reporting, International
Journal of Intelligent Systems, 585-606.
60. Xiang., Y., Lee, J., and Cercone, N. (2004) Towards
Better Scoring Metrics For Pseudo-Independent Models, International Journal of
Intelligent Systems IJIS, 749-768.
61. An, A., Huang, Y., Huang, X., and
Cercone, N. (2004) Feature Selection with Rough Sets for Web Page
Classification. Transactions on Rough Sets II
(Peters, J. et al., Eds.), Springer, 1-13.
62. Pattaraintakorn , P., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K.
(2005) Rule Learning: Ordinal Prediction based on Rough Sets and
Soft-Computing, Applied Mathematics Letters, Elsevier-Science, New York, to appear.
63. Narupiyakul, L., Khumya, A., Sirinaovakul, B., and
Cercone, N. (2005) A Stochastic Knowledge-Based Text to Speech System,
Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 42, Elsevier Science Ltd., 1-16.
64. Li, Jiye and Cercone, N. (2006) Introducing a rule
importance measure, Transactions on Rough Sets, Springer, to appear.
65. Pattaraintakorn, P., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K.
(2006) Hybrid Rough Sets Intelligent System Architecture for Survival Analysis,
Transactions on Rough Sets, Springer to appear.
66. Keselj, V. and Cercone, N. (2006) A Formal Approach to
Subgrammar Extraction for NLP. Applied Mathematics Letters, Elsevier Science,
to appear.
67. Li, J. and Cercone, N. (2006) Discovering and Ranking
Important Rules, Journal of Intelligent Systems special issue (T.Y. Lin &
J. Han, eds), (to appear).
68. Nuntiyagul, A. and Cercone, N. (2006) A Keyword
Selection Method for Item Bank Text Categorization, Computational Intelligence,
special issue of best of Pacling, Blackwells, (to appear).
Editorships of Journals
1. Cercone, N.
(Editor-in-chief) for Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer, 2004- .
2. Cercone, N., and McCalla, G., co-editors,
Computational Intelligence, an International Journal published by the National
Research Council of Canada from 1984-1991 and by Blackwell’s of Oxford from
3. Ling, C., and Cercone, N. (guest editors) for MINING
THE WEB Special Issue of International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,
13(4), 2002
4. Special issue on Web Intelligence (WI) for Computational
Intelligence, An International Journal, Blackwell Publishers (2002) (Guest
editors: Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, Yiyu Yao, and Nick Cercone)
5. Special issue on Rough Sets, Data Mining, and Granular
Computing for Computational Intelligence An International Journal, Vol.
17, No. 3, Blackwell Publishers (2001) (Guest editors: Andrzej Skowron, Nick Cercone,
and Ning Zhong)
6. Cercone, N., and Tsuchiya, M., guest editors, Special
Issue of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering on Learning and
Discovery in Knowledge-Based Databases, 5(6), 1993.
7. Pattabhiraman, T., and Cercone, N., guest editors,
Special Issue of Computational Intelligence on Natural Language Generation,
7(4), November, 1991 and carrying over into 8(1), February, 1992.
8. Cercone, N., and McCalla, G., guest editors, Special
Issue of the International Journal of Computers and Mathematics on Practical
Artificial Intelligence Systems, 11(5), May, 1985.
9. McCalla, G., & Cercone, N., guest editors, Special
Issue of IEEE Computer on Knowledge Representation, 16(10), 1983.
10. Cercone, N. guest editor, Special Issue of the
International Journal of Computers and Mathematics on Computational
Linguistics, 9(1), January, 1983.
Book Articles
1. Schubert, L., Cercone, N., and Goebel, R. (1979) The
Structure and Organization of a Semantic Net for Comprehension and Inference.
in Associative Networks: Representation and Use of Knowledge by Machine, N. Findler
(ed), Academic Press, New York, 121-175.
2. Cercone, N. (1980) The Representation and Use of
Knowledge in an Associative Network for the Automatic Comprehension of Natural
Language. invited essay for Natural Language Based Computer Systems, L Bolc
(ed), Carl Hanser Verlag, Muchen, 121-207.
3. Cercone, N., and Goebel, R. (1981) Approaches to
Knowledge Representation. invited for Empirical Semantics, B. Rieger (ed),
Brockmeyer, Bochum Pubs., West Germany, 92-138.
4. Cercone, N, and McCalla, G. (1986) Accessing Knowledge
Through Natural Language. Invited chapter for M.Yovits 25th Anniversary Issue
Advances in Computers series, Academic Press, 1-99.
5. Cercone, N., and McCalla, G. (1987) What is Knowledge
Representation. The Knowledge Frontier: Essays in the Representation of
Knowledge. N. Cercone and G. McCalla (eds), Springer-Verlag, 1-43.
6. Reghbati, H., and Cercone, N. (1987) On
Representational Aspects of VLSI-CADT Systems. The Knowledge Frontier: Essays
in the Representation of Knowledge. N. Cercone and G. McCalla (eds),
Springer-Verlag, 451-470.
7. McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1988) Artificial
Intelligence in Canada: A Review, Readings from the AI Magazine, Robert
Englemore (ed.), AAAI, Menlo Park, California, 603-612.
8. Cercone, N., Hall, G., Joseph, S., Kao, M., Luk, W.,
McFetridge, P., and McCalla, G. (1990) Natural Language Interfaces: Introducing
SystemX. Advances in Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering. T. Oren
(ed), JAI Press, Greenwich, Conn., 169-250.
9. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1990) Discovery of
Quantitative Rules from Large Databases, in Z.W. Ras and M. Zemankova (eds.)
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems 5, North Holland, 157-165.
10. McFetridge, P., and Cercone, N. (1991) Installing an
HPSG Parser in a Modular Natural Language Interface, Computational Intelligence
III, North Holland, Amsterdam, 169-178.
11. Cai, Y., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1991) Attribute
Oriented Induction in Relational Databases, in G. P. Shapiro (ed.) Knowledge
Discovery in Databases, AAAI Press, 213-228.
12. Cercone, N., McFetridge, P., Hall, G., and Groeneboer,
C. (1991) An unnatural natural language interface. Research in Humanities
Computing, Hockey, S. and Ide, N (eds), Oxford Univ. Press, 285-306, also appearing
in 16th ALLC/9th ICCH, Toronto.
13. Vogel, C., Popowich, F., and Cercone, N. (1993)
Logic-Based Inheritance Reasoning. Prospects for Artificial Intelligence. A.
Sloman, et al. (eds.), IOS Press, Burke VA.
14. Cercone, N., Joseph, S., Kao, M., Luk, W., and
McCalla, G. (1994) A Knowledge-Based Approach to Providing Quality Responses
from and Eliminating Unnecessary Database Accesses to Relational Databases with
Natural Language Interfaces. Advances in Computing in the Humanities. E. Nissan (ed), JAI Press.
15. Cercone, N. McFetridge, P., Han, J. and Popowich, F.
(1994) Human-Computer Interfaces: DBLEARN and SystemX. Rough Sets Workshop,
Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computing series, W. Ziarko (ed), 32-43.
16. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1994) An
Attribute-Oriented Rough Set Approach for Knowledge Discovery in Databases,
Rough Sets Workshop, Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computing, W. Ziarko (ed),
17. Xiang, Y., Wong, M., and Cercone, N. (1994)
Quantifying Uncertainty of Knowledge Discovered from Databases, Rough Sets
Workshop, Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computing series, W. Ziarko (ed), 63-73.
18. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Ziarko, W. (1996) Generation
of Multiple Knowledge from Databases Based on Rough Set Theory, Rough Sets and
Data Mining: Analysis of Imprecise Data. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 109-122.
19. Cercone, N., Hamilton, H., Hu, X., and Shan, N. (1996)
Data Mining Using Attribute-Oriented Generalization and Information Reduction,
Rough Sets and Data Mining: Analysis of Imprecise Data. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
20. Cercone, N., and Hamilton, H. (1999) Database Mining,
Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4, Wiley Interscience,
21. Cercone, N., and Naruedomkul, K. (1999) Natural
Language Processing, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering x,
Wiley Interscience, 397-432.
22. Mahalingam, G., and Cercone, N. (1999) Finding
Information Easily is Important for e-Business!, Data Warehousing and Data
Mining for Electronic Commerce W. Kou (ed.), IBM Press, 135-168).
23. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (2002) A Generalized
Rough Set Model for Data Mining, to appear in a Kluwer Book edited by T.Y. Lin
and Y. Yao.
24. Han, J., Cercone, N., and Hu, X. (2002) Data Mining
and Visualization of (Association) Rules, to appear in a Kluwer Book edited by
T.Y. Lin and Y. Yao.
25. Cercone, N., Hou, J., Kešelj, V., An, A. and
Naruedomkul, K. (2002) From Computational to Web Intelligence. Selected topics
in Computing and Information Sciences, Misra, J.C. (ed.), Computing
and Information Sciences: Recent Trends, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 162-177.
26. An, A., Huang, Y., Huang, X., and Cercone, N. (2003).
Feature Selection with Rough Sets for Web Page Classification, Rough Set and
Fuzzy Set Theories, to appear.
Papers Appearing in Refereed Conference Proceedings
1. Cercone, N., and Schubert, L. (1975) Toward a
State-Based Conceptual Representation. 4th IJCAI (International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence), Tbilisi, USSR, 83-91.
2. Cercone, N. (1977) Representing Adjectives and
Adverbs. 5th IJCAI, Cambridge, Mass. 139-140.
3. Cercone, N. (1977) A Heuristic Morphological Analyzer
for Natural Language Understanding Programs. IEEE Compsac, Chicago, Illinois, 676-682.
4. Goebel, R., and Cercone, N. (1978) Representing and
Organizing Factual Knowledge in Proposition Networks. 2nd CSCSI/SCEIO (CDN
Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence), Toronto, Ontario, 55-63.
5. Cercone, N. (1978) Representing Natural Language in
Extended Semantic Networks for Interpretation and Comprehension by Machine. 5th
ALLC (Assoc. for Literary & Linguistic Cmpt.), Birmingham, U.K., 141-174.
6. Cercone, N, and Goebel, R. (1979) Semantic Networks,
Frames, and Conventional Data Base Methodology. IFIP Database Conference,
Hanover, N.H. in Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences, J. Raben and
G. Marks, N. Holland, 1980, 61-66.
7. Cercone, N. (1979) Representing and Processing
Grammatical Modifiers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Literary
and Linguistic Computing, Israel, 247-262.
8. Cercone, N. (1979) A Precis on Semantic Networks.
WECOL IX, Vancouver, British Columbia, and Fourth ICCH (International
Conference on Computing in the Humanities), Hanover, N.H.
9. Cercone, N, and Krause, M. (1981) Lexicon Design Using
Perfect Hash Functions. 5th ICCH, Ann Arbor, Michigan, also SIGSOC Bulletin 13,
Jan 1982, 69-78.
10. Cercone, N., and Goebel, R. (1982) Knowledge
Representation and Data Bases: Science or Engineering. 4th CSCSI/SCEIO, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 172-183.
11. McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1984) Directions for
Canadian Artificial Intelligence. CIPS Session ’84, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 191-198.
12. Cercone, N., Hafer, L., and Murchison, C. (1984) A
Contemporary Modular Design for Computing Science Instructional Laboratories:
The Simon Fraser University Experience, IEEE EDCOMPCON- 84, San Jose, Calif., 21-28.
13. McCalla, G., and Cercone, N. (1984) Canadian
Artificial Intelligence in the Next Decade: Funding, Strategies, and the Role
of the CSCSI/SCEIO, 5th CSCSI/SCEIO, London, Ontario, 167-176.
14. Cercone, N., Hadley, R., Martin, F., McFetridge, P.,
and Strzalkowski, T. (1984) Designing and Automating the Quality Assessment of
a Knowledge Based System: The Initial Automated Academic Advisor Experience,
IEEE Principles of Knowledge Based Systems, Denver, Colorado, 193-205.
15. Cercone, N., Krause, M., and Boates, J. (1985)
Efficient Search of Large Lexicons Using Perfect Hash Functions. 1983
International Conference on Data Bases in the Humanities Social Sciences, New
Brunswick, N.J., published by Paradigm Press, 359-373.
16. Martin, F., and Cercone, N. (1985) Automating the
Quality Assessment of Interactive Systems, CIPS Congress ’85, Montreal, Quebec, 440-447.
17. Cercone, N., Hafer, L., and Murchison, C. (1985)
Designing a Modular Computing Science Instructional Laboratory, CISA ’85,
Montreal, Quebec, 226-233.
18. Best, B., and Cercone, N. (1985) An Empirical Study of
Some Pattern Matching Algorithms, CIPS Congress ’85, Montreal, Quebec, 417-421.
19. Cercone, N., and Murchison, C. (1985) Integrating Artificial
Intelligence in Literary Research: An Invitation to Discuss Design
Specifications. 12th ALLC Symposium, Nice, France. also Computers and the
Humanities, Centre for Comp. in the Humanities, New College, Toronto, 1986,
20. Strzalkowski, T., and Cercone, N. (1985) A Framework
for Computing Extra Sentential References, Theoretical Approaches to Natural
Language Understanding, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 107-116.
21. Kao, M., Cercone, N., and Luk, W. (1986) What do you
mean Null? Turning Null Responses into Quality Responses. 3rd Int. Conf. on
Data Engineering, Los Angeles, Ca., 356-365.
22. McFetridge, P., Hall, G., Cercone, N., and Luk, W.
(1988) System X: a portable natural language interface, 7th CSCSI/SCEIO, Edmonton, Alberta, 30-38.
23. McFetridge, P., Hall, G., and Cercone, N. (1988)
Knowledge acquisition in System X: a natural language interface, International
Computer Science Conference, Hong Kong, 604-610.
24. Hall, G., Luk, W., and Cercone, N. (1988) A solution
to the MAP problem in natural language interface construction, International
Computer Science Conference, Hong Kong, 351-359.
25. Cercone, N., McFetridge, P., and Hall, G. (1988)
Building portable natural language interfaces. Informatique et Langue
Naturelle, Universite de Nantes, Nantes, 181-202.
26. Cercone, N. (1989) An unnatural natural language
interface. 16th ALLC/9th ICCH, Toronto.
27. Cercone, N. (1989) Better Tools for Professionals:
Knowledge Based Systems – Panel 1 Discussion/ Questions, IFIP ’89, San Francisco, 191-192.
28. Cai, Y., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1989) Learning
Classification Rules in Relational Databases, Proc. of IJCAI-89 Workshop on
Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Detroit, 26-36.
29. Cai, Y., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1989) Learning
Characteristic Rules in Relational Databases, 2nd International Conference on
Computational Intelligence, Milan, Italy, 187-196.
30. Cai, Y., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1989) An Attribute
Oriented Approach for Learning Classification Rules in Relational Databases,
6th International Conf. on Data Engineering, Los Angeles, 281-288.
31. Pattabhiraman, T. and Cercone, N. (1989) Representing
and Using Protosemantic Knowledge in Generating
House, India, 341-352. Also
published as v 444, Lecture Notes in AI, Springer-Verlag.
32. Cercone, N., Fass, D., Hall, G., Groeneboer, C., Kao,
M., McFetridge, P. and Popowich, F. (1990) Using Relational Knowledge
Structures to Handle Null Value Situations in Natural Language Interfaces. 5th
Rocky Mtn Conf. on AI (RMCAI-90), Las Cruces, NM. 137-142.
33. Fass, D., Cercone, N., Hall, G., Groeneboer, C.,
McFetridge, P. and Popowich, F. (1990) A Classification of User-System
Interactions in Natural Language, with Special Reference to “Ill-Formed Input.”
5th Rocky Mountain Conf. on AI (RMCAI-90), Las Cruces, NM. 143-148.
34. Pattabhiraman, T. and Cercone, N. (1990) Selection,
Salience, Relevance & the Coupling between Domain-Level Tasks and Text
Planning. 5th International Workshop on Language Generation, Pittsburgh, 79-86.
35. Pattabhiraman, T. and Cercone, N. (1990) Evaluating
Natural Language Generation Systems for Theoretical Merit. Procs of the AAAI-90
Workshop on Evaluation of Natural Language Generation Systems, Boston.
36. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1990) Discovery of
Quantitative Rules from Large Databases. ISMIS ’90, Knoxville.
37. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1990) Support of
Efficient Deduction and Induction Mechanisms in Data-Intensive Knowledge-Based
Systems, in AAAI-90 Wkshop on Knowledge-Based Mgmt Sys, Boston, 41-45.
38. McFetridge, P., and Cercone, N. (1990) The Evolution
of a Natural Language Interface: Replacing a Parser, 3rd International
Conference on Computational Intelligence, Milan, Italy, 169-178.
39. Pattabhiraman, T. and Cercone, N. (1990) Aspects of
Text Planning for Incremental Generation of Route Descriptions, Frontiers in
Knowledge-Based Computing, Pune, India, 375-384.
40. Lunardi, C., and Cercone, N. (1991) An AI-oriented
Videodisc Experiment to Improve Interethnic Relationships at School, Canadian
Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Québec.
41. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1991) Concept-Based
Data Classification in Relational Databases, Proceedings of AAAI-91 Workshop on
Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Anaheim, 77-94.
42. Chan, C., Tontiwachwuthikul, P., and Cercone, N.
(1991) Expert System for Selection of Chemical Solvents for CO2 Removal
Processes, Procs of 41st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver,
43. Chan, C., Tontiwachwuthikul, P., and Cercone, N.
(1991) Inferential Modelling for an Expert System for Selection of Chemical
Solvents for CO2 Removal Processes, Procs of the 4th Mexican Artificial
Intelligence Conf., Cancun, Mexico.
44. Cercone, N., McFetridge, P. and Pattabhiraman, T.
(1991) Sophisticated Natural Language Interfaces, Possibility or Chimaera. 2nd
Japanese-Australia Symp. on Natural Language Proc, Kyushu, Japan, 304-315.
45. Lunardi, C., Groeneboer, C., and Cercone, N. (1991)
The Impact of an Experiment in Interethnic Communication on the Design of a
Generic Multimodal Architecture for Human-Computer Communication, Proceedings
IEEE ISCOM ‘91, Tainan, Taiwan, 650-656.
46. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1992) Knowledge
Discovery in Databases: An SFU Effort. AI’92 Machine Learning Workshop, Vancouver, Canada.
47. Pattabhiraman, T., and Cercone, N. (1992)
Communicating Properties Using Salience-Induced Comparisons, 14th Ann Cognitive
Science Conf., Bloomington, Indiana, 1032-1038.
48. Cercone, N., Havens, B., and Pattabhiraman, T. (1992)
Knowledge-Based Systems Exposed: Some Applications Oriented Examples,
Proceedings 31st Conference of Metallurgists (invited), Edmonton,
49. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1992) Knowledge
Discovery in Databases: An Attribute-Oriented Approach, Proceedings of the 18th
VLDB Conf., Vancouver, Canada, 547-559.
50. Han, J., Cai, Y., Cercone, N. and Huang, Y. (1992)
DBLEARN: A Knowledge Discovery System for Large Databases, Proc. 1st
International Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, Baltimore,
51. Han, J., Cai, Y., and Cercone, N. (1992) Knowledge
Discovery in Large Databases. (invited) Proceedings of Computer World ‘92 (2nd
International Symposium) Kobe, Japan, 60-67.
52. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1993) Object
Aggregation and Cluster Identification: A Knowledge Discovery Approach. Third
International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, Beijing, 2.41-2.45.
53. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1993) Discovery of
Knowledge Associated with Concept Hierarchies in Databases. Third International
Conference for Young Computer Scientists, Beijing, 2.106-2.110.
54. Vogel, C., Popowich, F., and Cercone, N. (1993) Logic
Based Inheritance Reasoning, Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence Simulation
and Behaviour 93. also Prospects for Artificial Intelligence, Morris Sloman (editor),
IOS Press.
55. Pattabhiraman, T. and Cercone, N. (1993)
Decision-Theoretic Salience Interactions in Language Generation, 12th IJCAI, Chambery, France, 1246-1252.
56. Xiang, Y., Wong, M., and Cercone, N. (1993)
Quantifying Uncertainty of Knowledge Discovered from Databases, International
Workshop On Rough Sets And Knowledge Discovery (RSKD-93), Banff, 51-60.
57. Hu, X., Cercone, N., & Han, J. (1993) An
Attribute-Oriented Rough Set Approach for Knowledge Discovery in Databases,
International Workshop On Rough Sets And Knowledge Discovery (RSKD-93), Banff,
58. Cercone, N. (1993) Human-Computer Interfaces: DBLEARN
and SystemX, International Workshop On Rough Sets And Knowledge Discovery
(RSKD-93), Banff, 27-28.
59. Chan, C., Tontiwachwuthikul, P., and Cercone, N.
(1993) Object-Oriented Approach to Developing the Solvent Selection Advisory
System for CO2 Removal Processes, Proceedings of 43rd Canadian Chemical Engineering
Conference, Ottawa, 242. also an enlarged version appeared in Symposium on
Expert Systems in Process Industries, Ottawa, 31-35.
60. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (1994) Learning in Relational
Databases: A Rough Set Approach, 3rd Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics
61. Chan, C., Tontiwachwuthikul, P., and Cercone, N.
(1994) Object-Oriented Approach to Developing the Solvent Selection Advisory
System for CO2 Removal Processes, International Conference on Expert Systems
for Development, Bangkok, Thailand.
62. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Han, J. (1994) A Concept-Based
Knowledge Discovery Approach in Databases, 10th CSCSI, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
63. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Xie, J. (1994) Learning Data
Trend Regularities From Databases in a Dynamic Environment, Knowledge Discovery
in Databases KDD-94, Seattle, 323-334.
64. Hu, X., and Cercone, N., and Shan, N. (1994) A rough
set approach to compute all the maximal generalized rules. 6th International
Conf. on Computing and Information – ICCI’94.
65. Shan, N., Hu, X., Ziarko, W., and Cercone, N. (1994) A
Generalized Rough sets Model, 3rd Pacific Rim International Conference on AI ,
Beijing, China, August 16-18, 437-444.
66. Hu, X., Shan, N., Cercone, N., and Ziarko, W. (1994)
DBROUGH: A Rough Set Based Knowledge Discovery System, ISMIS’94, Charlotte, North
Carolina, October 16-19, 386-395 (also appearing in Methodologies for
Intelligent Systems, Zbignew Ras and Maria Zemankove (eds)).
67. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (1994) Discovery of Decision
Rules from Databases: A Rough Set Approach, Third International Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management Systems CIKM’94, 392-400.
68. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (1994) The Principlse,
Architecture and Experimental Results of A knowledge Discovery System: DBROUGH,
6th IEEE Tools for AI, (accepted but sent too late to appear).
69. Wu, X., and Cercone, N. (1994) Cooperative Responding
to Indirect Information Requests in Database Retrieval, Fourth International
Conference Information Systems Development ISD’94, Bled, Slovenia, 595-605.
70. Cercone, N., McFetridge, P., Popowich, F., Fass, D.,
Groenboer, C., and Hall, G. (1994) The SystemX Natural Language Interface to
Relational Databases. in J. G. Chen, F. G. Attia and D. L. Crabtree (Eds.)
EXPERSYS-94: Expert Systems Applications & Artificial Intelligence. (Procs
of the Sixth Int Conf on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Applications, Houston, TX, 1-2 December 1994) Gournay sur Marne, France: i.i.t.t. International, pp. 461-466.
71. Chan, C., Cercone, N. and An, A. (1994)
Object-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of an Expert System for Monitoring and
Control of a Water Distribution System, 19-21 December, London.
72. Shan, N., Zhang, C.N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.
(1995) Minimizing the Rules of a Fuzzy Logic System By Using Rough Sets,
Pacific-Asian Conference on Expert Systems, Huangshan, China, 198-204.
73. Wu, X., Ichikawa, T. and Cercone, N. (1995) User
Beliefs Consistency Checking for Cooperative Query Answering, International
Conference on Intelligent Information Management Systems, Washington, D.C.
74. Shan, N., Ziarko, W., Hamilton H. and Cercone, N.
(1995) Using Rough Sets as Tools for Knowledge Discovery from Large Relational
Databases, Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDD-95, Montreal, 263-268.
75. Hu, X. and Cercone, N. (1995) Rough Sets Similarity-Based
Learning from Databases, Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDD-95, Montreal.
76. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N. (1995) GRG:
Knowledge Discovery Using Information Generalization, Information Reduction,
and Rule Generation, In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference
on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI’95), Washington, DC, 372-379.
77. Hadjimichael, M., Hamilton, H., and Cercone, N. (1995)
Extracting Concept Hierarchies from Relational Databases, Eighth Florida AI
Research Symposium FLAIRS-95, Melborne, Florida, 314-318.
78. An, A.., Chan, C., Weerapong, K., Tontiwachwuthikul,
P., and Cercone, N. (1995) Intelligent Monitoring of a Municipal Water Supply
System, Proc 1995 NACE CRWC, Regina, 387-395.
79. An, A.., Shan, N., Cercone, N., and Chan, C. (1995) An
Approach to Checking Consistency Among Multiple Task Rules, Proceedings of the
IASTED International Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 31-34.
80. Weerapong, K., An, A.., Chan, C., Tontiwachwuthikul,
P., and Cercone, N. (1995) Supervisory and Decision-Support System for
Intelligent Monitoring and Control of a Pipeline Network, Intelligent Systems
in Process Engineering, Snowmass Village, Colorado, 1-4.
81. An, A., Shan, N., Chan, C., Cercone, N., and Ziarko,
W. (1995) Discovering Rules from Data for Water Demand Prediction. IJCAI-95
Workshop on Machine Learning in Engineering, Montreal, 187-202.
82. An, A., Shan, N., Chan, C., and Cercone, N. (1995)
ELEM: A Novel Method for Inducing Rules from Examples. 7th IEEE International
Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Washington, D.C.
83. Cercone, N. and Johnson, J. (1995) Tools for
Information Access and Analysis: Some Issues for Consideration in Natural
Language Processing, 2nd Symp. on Natural Language Processing (invited), Bangkok, 15-23.
84. Cercone, N., Hamilton, H., Hu, X., and Shan, N. (1995)
Data Mining Using Attribute-Oriented Generalization and Information Reduction.
RST-95, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina).
85. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (1995) Mining Knowledge Rules
from Databases: A Rough Set Approach, 12th International Conference on Data
Engineering, New Orleans, 96-105.
86. Shan, N., Hamilton, H.J., Ziarko, W. and Cercone, N.
(1996) Discretization of Continuous Valued Attributes in Attribute-Value
Systems, In Proceedings of the Fourth Int. Workshop on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets,
and Machine Discovery (RFSD’96), Toyko, Japan, 74-81.
87. Hamilton, H.J., Hilderman, R.J., Cercone, N. (1996)
Attribute-Oriented Induction Using Domain Generalization Graphs, In Proceedings
of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence (ICTAI’96), Toulouse, France, 246-253.
88. Han, N., Hamilton,H. and Cercone, N. (1996) Induction
of classification rules from imperfect data, 9th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Zakopane, Poland, also appearing in
Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Ras, Z. & Michalewicz, M. (eds.),
Springer-Verlag, 1996, 118-127.
89. Shan, N., Hamilton,H. and Cercone, N. (1996) Parallel
Processing for Learning Decision Rules, Ninth Florida AI Research Symposium
FLAIRS-96, Key West, Florida, 156-160.
90. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Ziarko, W. (1996) Rule
discovery from databases with decision matrices, 9th International Symposium on
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems – ISMIS96, Zakopane, Poland, 653-662.
91. Shan, N., Ziarko, W., Hamilton,H. and Cercone, N.
(1996) Discovering Classification Knowledge in Databases Using Rough Sets,
Second Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining KDD-96, Portland, 271-274.
92. Shan, N., Hamilton,H., Ziarko, W. and Cercone, N.
(1996) Discretization of Continuous Valued Attributes in Attrribute-Value
Systems, Fifth Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, and Machine Discovery RFSD’96, Tokyo,
93. Xiang, Y., Wong, M., and Cercone, N. (1996) Critical
Remarks on Single Link Search in Learning Belief Networks, Uncertainty in
Artificial Intelligence, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, 564-572.
94. Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Ziarko, W. (1997) GRS: A
Generalized Rough Sets Model for Data Mining Applications, Fifth Rough Sets
& Soft Computing RCCS’97, North Carolina, 181-187.
95. Shan, N., Hamilton, H. and Cercone, N. (1997) Learning
Stronger Rules with RIAC System, Fifth Rough Sets and Soft Computing RCCS’97,
North Carolina, 348-350.
96. Shan, N., Hamilton, H. and Cercone, N. (1997) The GRG
Knowledge Discovery System: Design Principles and Architectural Overview, 9th
European Conference on Machine Learning ECML-97, Prague, 234-241.
97. Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K. (1997) Can Machine
Translation Influence the Design of Natural Language Interfaces, NLDB’97, Vancouver, 87-99.
98. An, A., Chan, C., and Cercone, N. (1997) Integrating
Rule Induction and Case-based Reasoning to Enhance Problem Solving, Second
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, Providence, R.I., 499-508.
99. Naruedomkul, K., and Cercone, N. (1997) Steps Toward
Accurate Machine Translation System, 7th International Conference on Theoretical
and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, TMI-97, 63-75.
100. Naruedomkul, K., and Cercone, N. (1997) Beyond
Intralingual: Initial Experiments with an English-Thai Translation System,
Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, PACLING-97, Tokyo, 216-222.
101. Cercone, N. (1997) Natural Language/Database
Interfaces: New Hope for the Dead or a Procrustean Bed?, Pacific Association
for Computational Linguistics, PACLING-97, Tokyo, 68-78.
102. Cercone, N., and Naruedomkul, K. (1997) Beyond
Intralingual: Experiments with a Novel Hybrid English-Thai Translation System,
Workshop on Thought and Language, Iizuka, Japan, 86-92.
103. Cercone, N. (1997) Bridging Epistemologies: Can We
Individualize Frameworks of Meaning for Data Access and Discovery?, Workshop on
Thought and Language, Iizuka, Japan, 68-83.
104. An, A., Chan, C., and Cercone, N. (1997) Water Demand
Forecasting Using Case-Based Reasoning, IJCAI workshop on Practical Use of
Case-Based Reasoning, Nagoya, Japan, 99-110.
105. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (1997) Learning Maixmal
Generalized Decision Rules via Discretization, Generalization, and Rough Set
Feature Selection, 9th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence, Newport Beach, Ca., 548-557.
106. Carter, C.L., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N. (1997)
Share Based Measures for Itemsets, In Komorowski, J. and Zytkow, J. (eds.),
Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: First European Symposium Proceedings
(PKDD’97), Trondheim, Norway, 14-24.
107. Hilderman, R.J., Hamilton, H.J., Kowalchuk, R., and
Cercone, N. (1997) Parallel Knowledge Discovery Using Domain Generalization
Graphs, In Komorowski, J. and Zytkow, J. (eds.), Principles of Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery: First European Symposium, Proceedings (PKDD’97),
Trondheim, Norway, 25-35.
108. An, A., and Cercone, N. (1998) Multimodal Reasoning
with Rule Induction and Case-Based Reasoning, AAAI Spring Symposium on
Multimodal Reasoning, Menlo Park, 118-124.
109. An, A., and Cercone, N. (1998) ELEM2: A Learning
System for More Accurate Classifications, Twelth CSCSI (CAI’98) Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence 1418, Mercer, R. & Neufeld, E. (eds), Springer,
110. Hilderman, R.J., Carter, C.L., Hamilton, H.J., and Cercone, N.J. (1998) Mining Market Basket Data Using Share Measures and Characterized
Itemsets. Second Pacific-Asia Conf on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
(PAKDD-98), Melbourne, Springer Verlag,159-173.
111. Han, J., and Cercone, N. (1999) DVIZ: A System for
Visualizing Data Mining, PAKDD’99, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
1574, Springer, Beijing, 390-399.
112. An, A., and Cercone, N. (1999) Discretization of
Continuous Atrtributes for Learning Classification Rules, PAKDD’99, Lecture
Notes in AI 1574, Springer, Beijing, 509-514.
113. An, A., Cercone, N., & Chan, C. ORTES: The
Design of a Real-time Control Expert System, Int Symp on Methodologies for
Intelligent Systems (ISMIS’99) Warsaw, Springer, 319-329.
114. Zhang, J., Hamilton, H., and Cercone, N. (1999)
Learning English Grapheme Segmentation Using the Iterated Version Space
Algorithm, accepted to International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent
Systems (ISMIS’99) Warsaw, Poland, Springer Verlag, 420-429.
115. Huang, X., Robertson, S.E. , Cercone, N., and An, A.
(1999) Probability-based Chinese Text Processing and Retrieval, PACLING’99, Waterloo, 223-234.
116. Hou, L. and Cercone, N. (1999) Extracting Meaningful
Semantic Information Using a HPSG-Based Internet Search Engine Parser, PACLING’99,
Waterloo, 264-269.
117. Zhang, J. and Cercone, N. (1999) Learning English
Stress Rules Using a Machine Learning Approach, PACLING’99, Waterloo, 350-364.
118. Naruedomkul, K. and Cercone, N. (1999) The Role for
AKO in MT, PACLING’99, Waterloo, 379-390.
119. An, A., and Cercone, N. (1999) An Empirical Study on
Rule Quality Measures, RSFDGrC’99, Yamaguchi, Japan, 482-491.
120. Zhang, J., and Cercone, N. (1999) The Iterated
Version Space Learning, RSFDGrC’99, Yamaguchi, Japan, 472-481.
121. Han, J., and Cercone, N. (2000) AViz: A Visualization
System for Discovering Numeric Association Rules, PAKDD’2000, Kyoto Japan, 269-280.
122. Han, J., and Cercone, N. (2000) RuleViz: A Model for
Visualizing Knowledge Discovery Process, KDD-2000, Boston, MA.
123. Han, J., and Cercone, N. (2000) CVis: An Interactive
Visualizastion System for Rule Induction, 13th CSCSI/SCEIO Conference, Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1822, Springer, Montreal, PQ, 214-226. [This
paper won the best paper award].
124. Han, J., and Cercone, N. (2000) Typical Example
Selection for Learning Classifiers, Poster, 13th CSCSI/SCEIO Conference,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1822, Springer, Montreal, PQ, 347-356.
125. Xiang, Y., Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Hamilton, H.
(2000) Learning Pseudo-Independent Models: Analytical and Experimental Results,
13th CSCSI/SCEIO Conference, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1822,
Springer, Montreal, PQ, 227-239.
126. An, A., and Cercone, N. (2000) Rule quality measures
improve the accuracy of rule induction: an experimental approach, ISMIS’00, Charlotte, NC, 119-130.
127. An, Aijun, Cercone, Nick, and Huang, Xianji (2001) A
case-study for learning from imbalanced sets, CSCSI/SCEIO 2001, Ottawa, 1-15.
128. Abou-Assaleh, T., Zhang, J., and Cercone, N. (2001)
Evolution of recurrent neural networks to control autonomous life agents,
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO’2001 Workshop, San
Francisco, 385-388.
129. Hou, L., and Cercone, N. (2001) Extracting Meaningful
Semantic Information with EMATISE: an HPSG-based Internet Search Engine Parser,
NLPKE Symposium of the IEEE SMC Conference, Tuscon, AZ.
130. Kešelj, V., and Cercone, N. (2001) Just-in-time
subgrammar extraction for HPSG, PACLING 2001, Kitakyushu, Japan, 161-169.
132. Cercone, N. (2001) Machine translation and machine
learning: a case for marriage, invited paper to PACLING 2001, Kitakyushu,
Japan, 36-49.
133. Wang, Yingwei, and Cercone, Nick (2001) Collections,
Collection Exemplars, and the Exemplification Algorithm, PACLING 2001,
Kitakyushu, Japan, 292-298.
134. Cercone, N. (2001) From computational intelligence to
web intelligence, invited paper to WI’01, Maebashi City, Japan, 30-42.
135. Han, J., Cercone, N. (2001) Implementation Issues and
Paradigms of Visual KDD Systems, WI’01, Maebashi City, Japan, 454-463.
136. Han, J., Cercone, N. (2001) Interactive Construction
of Decision Trees, Proc. Of the Fifth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining, Hong Kong, Springer, 575-580.
137. Hu, X., and Cercone, N. (2002) An OLAM Framework for
Web Usage Mining and Business Intelligence Reporting, IEEE International Conference
on Fuzzy Systems.
138. Huang, X, Peng, F., and Cercone, N. Waterloo at
NTCIR-3: Comparing and Analyzing Different Text Extraction Methods in IR
System. To appear in the Proceedings of the Third NTCIR Workshop on Evaluation
of Information Retrieval, Q&A, and Summarization, October 8-10, 2002, NII, Tokyo Japan.
139. Peng, F., Huang, X., Schuurmans, D., and Cercone, N.
Investigating the Relationship of Word Segmentation Performance and Retrieval
Performance in Chinese IR. 19th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics (COLING’02), September 2002.
140. Peng, F., Huang, X., Schuurmans, D., Cercone, N., and
Robertson, S.E. Using Self-Supervised Word Segmentation in Chinese Information
Retrieval. Proceedings of 25th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on
Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’02), August 11-15, 2002, Finland.
141. Huang, X, An, A., Cercone, N., and Promhouse, G.
(2002) Discovery of Interesting Association Rules from Livelink Web Log Data, Proceedings
of 2nd Annual International IEEE Data Mining Conference, Maebishi City, Japan.
142. Huang, X., An, A., Cercone, N., and Promhouse, G.
(2002). Comparison of Interesting Functions for Learning Web Usage Patterns,
Proceeding s of the 11th CIKM’02, McLean, Virginia.
143. Xiang, Y., Lee, J., and Cercone, N. (2003)
Parameterization of Pseudo-independent Models, FLAIRS’2003 521-525.
144. Huang, X, Peng, F., An, A., Schuurmans, D., and
Cercone, N., (2003) Session Boundary Detection for Association Rule Learning
Using n-gram Language Models. 16th CSCSI/SCEIO Conference, Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence 2671, Springer, Halifax, N.S., 237-251.
145. Pluempitiwiraya, C., Naruedomkul, K., and Cerfcone,
N. (2003) Towards MULEX – a Multilingual Lexical Database System for Machine
Translation, PACLING’03, Halifax, NS, 181-190.
146. Nuntadilok, J., Naruedomkul, K., and Cercone, N.
(2003) Thai Word Segmentation for Accurate Translation, PACLING’03, Halifax,
NS, 97-108.
147. Abou-Assleh, T., Cercone, N., and Kešelj, V. (2003)
Expressing Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars in the Relaxed Unification
Formalism, PACLING’03, Halifax, NS, 29-36.
148. Narupiyakul, L., Cercone, N., and Sirinaovakul, B.
(2003) {Text, Document, Concept} to Speech Systems: Proposed Unifying Architecture,
PACLING’03, Halifax, NS, 141-150.
149. Huang, Y., Huang, X., Cercone, N., and An, A. (2003) A
Comparison of Term Weighting Methods for Feature Selection in Web Page
Classification, PACLING’03, Halifax, NS, 211-220.
150. Kešelj, V., Peng, F., Cercone, N., and Thomas,
C. (2003) N-gram-based Author Profiles for Author Attribution, PACLING’03, Halifax, NS, 255-264.
151. Abou-Assleh, T., Cercone, N., and Kešelj, V.
(2003) An Overview of the Theory of Relaxed Unification, IPSI 2003, Montenegro, to appear.
152. Abou-Assaleh, Tony and Cercone, Nick and Kešelj,
Vlado. (2003)Towards the Theory of Relaxed Unification. In Proceedings of the
14th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, ISMIS
2003, volume LNAI 2871 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,,
Maebashi City, Japan.
152. Han, J., Hu, X. and Cercone, N. (2003) On Graph-Based
Methods for Inferring Web Communities, Workshop on Applications, Products and
Services of Web-based Support Systems, Halifax, Canada In conjunction with the
2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence
153. An, X., Xiang, Y., and Cercone, N. (2003) A Dynamic
Environment Simulator, Proceedings of European Simulation and Modelling
Conference, Naples, Italy, 187-192.
154. Han, J., Cercone, N., and Hu, X. (2004). A Weighted
Freshness Metric for Maintaining Search Engine Local Repository, IEEE Web
Intelligence IEEE WI-IAT 2004, session Web Support Systems and e-Technology,
Beijing 677-680.
155. An, X., Xiang, Y., and Cercone, N. (2004) Revising
Markov Boundary for Multiagent Probabilistic Inference, IEEE Intelligent Agent
Technology IEEE WI-IAT 2004, session Autonomous Knowledge and Information Agents
(II), Beijing 113-119.
156. Satti, A., Cercone, N., and Kešelj, V. (2004)
Experiments in Web Page Classification for the Semantic Web, Second
International Workshop on Web-based Support Systems, IEEE WI-IAT 2004,Beijing, 137-141.
157. An, X., Xiang, Y., and Cercone, N. (2004) Probabilistic
Reasoning in Dynamic Multiagent Systems, 10th NMR2004, Whistler,
B.C. 16-24.
158. Tony Abou-Assaleh, Cercone, N., Kešelj, V.,and
Sweidan, R., (2004) N-gram-based Detection of New Malicious Code, IEEE COMPSAC
2004, Hong Kong 41-42.
159. Jiampojamarn, S., Kešelj, V., and Cercone, N.,
(2004) Biological Term Annotation using Classification Methods, First
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium: A Community and Academic Forum
(BIOT-04), Colorado Springs, (to appear).
160. Lin, TY., Hu, X., Cercone, N., and Han, J., (2004)
Intelligent Query Answering Based on Neighborhood Systems and Data Mining
Techniques International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium
(IDEAS), Coimbra, Portugal, 91-96.
161. Pattaraintakorn, P., Naruedomkul, K., and Cercone, N.
(2004). Dual Problems: Attribute Selection and Example Selection, 2004
International Conference on Internet Computing (IC’04: June 21-24, 2004, Las V egas, Nevada, 60-65.
162. Li, J., Tang, B., and Cercone, N. (2004). Applying Association Rules for
Interesting Recommendations using Rule Templates, PAKDD04, Sydney, 166-170.
164. Kešelj,
V., and Cercone, N. (2004) PPDN—A Framework for
Peer-to-peer Collaborative Research Network, Second International Workshop on
Web-based Support Systems, IEEE WI-IAT 2004,Beijing, 88-93.
165. An, X., Xiang, Y., and Cercone, N. (2004).
Cooperative Computation of Markov Boundaries for Efficient Observation in
Multiagent Probabilistic Inference, Proceedings of Second European Workshop on Probabilistic
Graphical Models (PGM’04), Leiden, Netherlands (to appear).
166. Tony Abou-Assaleh, Nick Cercone, Vlado Kešelj,
and Ray Sweidan, (2004) Detection of New Malicious Code Using N-grams Signatures,
PST’04, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
167. Xiang, Y., An, X. and Cercone, N. (2004) Simulation
of Graphical Models for Multiagent Probabilistic Inference, SIMULATION, Vol.
79, Issue 10, October 2003 545-567.
168. Narupiyakul, L., Thomas, C., Cercone, N. and Sirinaovakul, B.
(2004) Thai Syllable-Based Information Extraction Using Hidden Markov Models. CICLing 2004: 537-546
169. Nuntiyagul, A., Naruedomkul, K. and Cercone, N.
(2005) Feature Selection in Text Categorization for Item
Banks, ICET2005, Calgary, Alberta (to appear).
170. Nuntiyagul, A., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K.
(2005) Recovering “Lack of words” in Text Categorization for Item Banks , IEEE COMPSAC,
Edinburgh, Scotland (to appear).
171. Abou-Assaleh, T., Cercone, N. and Kešelj, V.
(2005) A Probabilistic Evaluation Function for Relaxed Unification, IEEE COMPSAC,
Edinburgh, Scotland (to appear).
172. Pattaraintakorn, P., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K.
(2005) Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Part 1 – selecting attributes for soft-computing
analysis, IEEE COMPSAC, Edinburgh, Scotland (to appear).
173. Jiampojamarn, S., Cercone, N. and Kešelj, V.
(2005) Biological Named Entity Recognition Using n-grams and
Classification Methods, In Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association
for Computational Linguistics PACLING’05, Tokyo, Japan (to appear).
174. Nuntiyagul, A., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K.
(2005) A Keyword Selection method for Item Bank Text Categorization, In Proceedings
of the Conference Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics PACLING’05,
Tokyo, Japan (to appear).
175. Abou-Assaleh, T., Cercone, N. and Kešelj, V. (2005)
Question-Answering with Relaxed Unification. In Proceedings of the Conference
Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics PACLING’05. Tokyo, Japan. (to appear.)
176. Nick Cercone (2005) From Simple Techniques to
Impressive Results, , In Proceedings of the Conference Pacific Association for
Computational Linguistics PACLING’05, Tokyo, Japan. (To appear – invited).
177. Li, J. and Cercone, N. (2005) Discovering and
Ranking Important Rules, IEEE GrC2005, Beijing, China (to appear).
178. Thomas, C., Kešelj, V., Cercone, N., Rockwood, K.,
and Asp, E. (2005) Automatic Detection and Rating of Dementia of Alzheimer
Type through Lexical Analysis of Spontaneous Speech. In Proceedings of IEEE
ICMA 2005, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (to appear).
179. Li, J. and Cercone, N. (2005) A Rough Set Based
Model to Rank the Importance of Association Rules, RSFDGrC2005, Regina,
Saskatchewan (to appear).
180. Pattaraintakorn, P., Cercone,
N. and Naruedomkul, K. (2005) Selecting Attributes for Soft-Computing Analysis
in Hybrid Intelligent Systems, D. Slezak et al. (Eds.): RSFDGrC 2005, LNAI
3642, Springer-Verlag, 698–708.
181. Nuntiyagul, A., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K.
(2005) PKIP: Feature Selection in Text Categorization for Item Banks, 17th
IEEE ICTAI’2005, Hong Kong (to appear).
182. Narupiyakul, L., Cercone, N., Keselj, V.
and Sirinaovakul. B. (2005) Focus and Speech Act in Prosodic
Analysis for Spoken Language Generation. In The 6th Symposium on Natural
Language Processing, SNLP’2005, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
183. Li, Jiye and Cercone, N. (2006) Assigning Missing
Attribute Values Based on Rough Sets Theory, IEEE-GrC 2006, Atlanta, to appear.
184. Pattaraintakorn, P., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K.
2006) Rule Analysis with Rough Sets Theory", IEEE-GrC 2006, Atlanta, to appear.
185. Gu, Z, and Cercone, N. (2006) Naive Bayes Modeling
with Proper Smoothing for Information Extraction, IEEE International Conference
on Fuzzy Systems, Vancouver, Canada (to appear).
186. Pattaraintakorn, P., Cercone, N. and Naruedomkul, K. (2006)
A Framework of Hybrid Rough Sets Intelligent System for Survival Analysis: A
Case Study of the Geriatric Data, CIS-RAM 2006, to appear.
187. An, X., Jutla, D., and Cercone, N. (2006). Auditing
and Inference Control for Privacy Preservation in Uncertain Environments, 1st European Conf. on Smart Sensing
and Context (EuroSSC’06), to appear.
188. An, X., Jutla, D., and Cercone, N. (2006). Reasoning about Obfuscated Private
Information, 5th
Workshop on Privacy in Electronic Societies (WPES’06), to appear.
Other Publications
1. Cercone, N. (1979) Book
Review of Data Structures by Horowitz and Sahni, CHum. 242-3.
2. Cercone, N. Reports of
CSCSI-1978 and 1980 to SIGART, AISB, and SIGLASH.
3. Cercone, N., and McCalla,
G. (1983) Artificial Intelligence in Canada, CSCSI Newsletter 2(2), 3-7.
4. Cercone, N., Richards, W.,
and George, D. (1983) The Automated Academic Advisor: The Simon Fraser Information-Communication
Experiment, SIGART Newsletter, No 86, 57-59.
5. McCalla, G., & Cercone,
N. (1984) Directions for Canadian Artificial Intelligence, CSCSI Newsl. 3(1),
6. McCalla, G., and Cercone,
N. (1984) Artificial Intelligence in Canada: A Review, AI Magazine 5(1), 50-60.
7. Manning, E., Cercone, N.,
Mylopoulos, J., Holt, R., and Vaucher, J. (1985) Towards a Canadian Fifth Generation
Research Plan. 20 pps.
8. Cercone, N. (1985)
Discussion Paper for a British Columbia Advanced Systems Institute. 28 pps.
9. Cercone, N., Manning, E.,
and Peacocke, D. (1986) Trip Report to Tokyo, Japan. 22 pps.
10. Cercone, N., Pylyshyn, Z.,
Gentleman, M., and Bouchard, L. (1986) Discussion Paper for a Canadian Fifth
Generation Society. 15 pps.
11. Cercone, N., Maxwell, M.,
and Strzalkowski, T. (1987) Natural Language Processing: The State of the Art,
Boeing internal report BCS-G2010-48. 87 pps
12. Cercone, N. (1988) Trip
Report to Hong Kong and Nanjing, China. 15 pps
13. Cercone, N. (1989) Reports
of International Computer Science Conference ’88 to CSCSI/SCEIO Newsletter 20,
26-31, and Information and Software Technology.
14. Angel, J., Cercone, N., and
Corneil, D. (1988) External Review of the Computational Science Program at University of Saskatchewan, 25 pps.
15. Cercone, N. (1989) Joint
Ottawa-Carleton PhD Program in Computer Science Report, 10 pps.
16. Cercone, N. (1990)
Activities of the CSS. 111 pps.
17. Cercone, N., et al. (1991)
Trip Report to Japan. 30 pps
18. Fass, D., and Cercone, N.
(1991) Research in NL Processing at Simon Fraser, Cdn AI Magazine, 22 pps.
19. Cercone, N. (1992) Smarter
Systems: IRIS Research Working Towards More Intelligent Information Systems for
Corporate Executives, IRIS Bulletin 3(1), 1-4.
20. Cercone, N. (1992)
Activities and Accomplishments of the CSS 1987-1992. 506 pps.
21. Cercone, N. (1993) Report
on Environment Canada’s Natural Language Interface, 24 pps.
22. Cercone, N. (1993) Report
on Univ. of Ottawa’s Computer Science Dept. & Faculty of Science, 12 pps.
23. Cercone, N. (1994) Faculty
of Graduate Studies and Research Annual Report 1993, 274 pps.
24. Cercone, N. (1994) Planning
Mission to Thailand Trip Report 1994, 39 pps.
25. Cercone, N (1994) Trip
Report to China, 8 pps.
26. Cercone, N. (1994) Ethics,
Scholarship, & Accountability: Possibility or Chimaera, The 3rd Degree, Regina.
27. Cercone, N (1994) Trip
Report to Japan, 8 pps.
28. Cercone, N (1994) Response
to the NSERC Controversy, Canadian AI Magazine, Autumn ‘95, #35, 7-8.
29. Cercone, N (1994) CdnGenome
Analysis & Tech. (CGAT) Pgm, Cdn AI Magazine, Autumn ‘95, #35, 17-20.
30. Cercone, N., Borodin, A.,
and Klawe, M. (1996) Report on U of Victoria’s Computer Science Dept. , 18 pps.
31. Cercone, N., and Morrow, D.
(1996) Trip Report to Japan/China, 32 pps.
32. Borodin, A. and Cercone, N.
(1996) Report on Carleton Univ.’s Computer Science Dept., 9 pps.
33. Cercone, N. and Smedley, T.
(1997) Report on Acadia Univ. Computer Science Graduate Program, 9 pps.
34. Cercone, N. (1998) Report
on Department Retreat, Univ of Waterloo, 50 pps.
35. Cercone, N. (2002) Report
on Department of Computer Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology,
Thonburi, 55 pps.
36. Cercone, N. (2000) Report
on Department of Computer Science, Sultan Qaboos University, 16 pps.
37. Cercone, N. (2001) Report
on Department Computer Science, Sultan Qaboos University, 16 pps.
38. Cercone, N. (2004) Report
on Faculty Retreat, Dalhousie University, 100 pps.
Technical Reports
University of Alberta
1. Computer Analysis of
English Word Formation, TR74-6.
2. Toward a State-Based
Conceptual Representation (w/ L. Schubert), TR74-8.
3. The Nature and
Computational Use of a Meaning Representation for Word Concepts, TR75-9.
4. Lexical Design for a
Computational Natural Language Processing System, TR75-10.
5. Representing Natural
Language in Extended Semantic Networks, TR75-11.
6. The Structure and
Organization of a Semantic Net for Comprehension and Inference, TR78-1.
Old Dominion University
1. Representing Word Meaning and Factual Knowledge,
TR76-5. (2) Using the D-Computer, TR76-6.
Simon Fraser University
1. Perfect Hash Function
Search with Application to Natural Language Systems, TR81-6.
2. Knowledge Representation
and Data Base’s: Science or Engineering, TR81-15.
3. A Semi-Interactive System
for finding Perfect Hash Functions, TR83-4.
4. The Automated Academic
Advisor: An Introduction and Initial Experiences, TR83-11.
5. Artificial Intelligence:
Underlying Assumptions and Basic Objectives, TR83-13.
6. The Automated Academic
Advisor, LCCR Working Paper #2.
7. An Interactive System for
Finding Perfect Hash Functions, LCCR TR85-3.
8. The Many Dimensions of
Logical Form, LCCR 85-8 (w/ G. McCalla & P. McFetridge)
9. Accessing Knowledge Through
Natural Language, LCCR 85-15 (w/ G. McCalla)
10. Natural Language Generation
Theories and Systems, CIS-IS TR 90-10 (w/ T. Pattabhiraman.
11. A User Interface
Architecture Based on a Constructivist Paradigm, CIS-IS TR 91-4 (w/ C. Groeneboer)
12. Inheritance Reasoning for
Head-Driven Phrase Struct. Gram., CSS/LCCR TR91-07 (w/ C. Vogel & F.
13. Research in Natural
Language Processing at Simon Fraser University, CSS-IS TR91-12 (w/ D. Fass)
13. A Declarative Specification
of Path-Based Reasoning, , CSS/LCCR TR 92-03 (w/ C. Vogel & F. Popowich)
14. The SystemX Natural Language
Interface: Design, Implementation, Evaluation and Extensions, CSS-IS TR 93-03
(w/ P. McFetridge, F. Popowich, D. Fass, C. Groeneboer, and G. Hall).
University of Regina
1. The Software Architecture of DBLEARN. TR94-04 (w/ C.
Carter & H. Hamilton)
2. Steps Toward Accurate Machine Translation. TR97-02
(w/K. Naruedomkul).
3. Hermes: Grammar and Lexicon. TR98-02 (w/C. Rivera)
4. Hermes: Natural Language Access to a Medical Database.
TR98-03 (w/C. Rivera)
University of Waterloo
1. User’s Manual – ELEM2 Rule Induction System. CS 98-23
(w/ A. An)
2. A Graph Unification Machine for NL Parsing.
CS-2002-01, (w/Vlado Kešelj)
Grants and Awards
Year |
Amount |
Agency |
Grant |
1977 |
$6,000 |
Operating |
$1,500 |
President’s |
1978 |
$7,200 |
Operating |
1979 |
$8,400 |
Operating |
$1,500 |
President’s |
$400 |
Travel |
1980 |
$10,200 |
Operating |
$600 |
Travel |
1981 |
$13,000 |
Operating |
$7,500 |
Vice |
$500 |
Travel |
1982 |
$15,015 |
Operating |
$12,500 |
Vice |
$46,486 |
Equipment |
1983 |
$15,996 |
Operating |
$4,000 |
Vice |
$250,000 |
Installation |
$75,000 |
Installation |
$60,000 |
Infrastructure |
$1,800 |
President’s |
$9,000 |
Leave |
$500 |
Travel |
1984 |
$29,580 |
Operating |
$4,500 |
Dean’s |
$63,000 |
Infrastructure |
1985 |
$29,580 |
Operating |
$122,750 |
Equipment |
$20,000 |
Equipment |
$63,000 |
Infrastructure |
$2,667 |
Dean’s |
1986 |
$28,480 |
Operating |
$21,000 |
CSS Research |
$36,500 |
President’s |
$60,480 |
Infrastructure |
1987 |
$34,300 |
Operating |
$107,880 |
Strategic |
$60,480 |
Infrastructure |
$12,500 |
CIAR Associate |
$12,500 |
$75,000 |
Infrastructure |
$363,000 |
$69,768 |
$3,079 |
Travel |
$83,700 |
Strategic |
1988 |
$34,300 |
Operating |
$110,380 |
Strategic |
$6,000 |
Dean’s |
$86,000 |
Infrastructure |
$535,000 |
R&D |
1989 |
$34,300 |
Operating |
$107,880 |
Strategic |
$700 |
BC |
BC |
$86,000 |
Infrastructure |
$430 |
Travel |
$55,409 |
Equipment |
1990 |
$36,611 |
Operating |
$18,000 |
BCSci. |
$86,000 |
Infrastructure |
$427,000 |
$114,200 |
Strategic |
$83,600 |
Cdn Cable |
Expert |
1991 |
$75,000 |
Infrastructure |
$36,611 |
Operating |
$12,500 |
CIAR Associate |
$12,500 |
$399,000 |
$100,000 |
Cdn Cable |
Expert |
1992 |
$75,000 |
Infrastructure |
$356,000 |
$1,125,000 |
Industrial |
$36,611 |
Operating |
$12,500 |
CIAR Associate |
$12,500 |
$5,000 |
Canada-ASEAN |
$100,000 |
Cdn Cable |
Expert |
1993 |
$34,000 |
Operating |
$75,000 |
Cdn Cable |
Expert |
$100,000 |
$91,260 |
$48,845 |
$15,000 |
$50,000 |
UWaterloo |
Starter |
$54,063 |
Equipment |
$17,260 |
CDN-Thai |
1994 |
$34,000 |
Operating |
$75,000 |
Cdn Cable |
Expert |
$7,813 |
CIAR Associate |
$12,500 |
$100,000 |
$250,000 |
Installation |
$302,853 |
$26,000 |
SK |
1995 |
$34,000 |
Operating |
$91,260 |
Cdn Cable |
DB-Discover |
$25,000 |
$15,000 |
$289,390 |
$48,600 |
SaskTel |
$3,048,000 |
Paradigm |
R&D |
1996 |
$45,500 |
Operating |
$73,460 |
Cdn Cable |
DB-Discover |
$15,000 |
$215,848 |
$48,600 |
SaskTel |
$17,098 |
Equipment |
1997 |
$45,500 |
Operating |
$48,600 |
SaskTel |
$121,000 |
$227,715 |
1998 |
$50,050 |
Operating |
$73,460 |
$48,845 |
$195,750 |
$15,000 |
Showbase |
DB-Discover |
$100,000 |
1999 |
$52,550 |
Operating |
$48,845 |
$143,800 |
Strategic |
$173,750 |
$100,000 |
$25,000 |
$45,500 |
K-J |
2000 |
$52,550 |
Operating |
$143,800 |
Strategic |
$178,750 |
$23,000 |
Glaxo-Wellcome |
$36,000 |
$39,000 |
K-J |
$47,000 |
2001 |
$59,000 |
Operating Grant A4309 |
$47,000 $36,000 |
CITO (added by CITO) |
ELEM2 w/A. An |
$195,750 |
NCE-IRIS III project $52,000 to Waterloo |
2002 |
$59,000 |
Operating Grant A4309 |
$143,800 |
Strategic Project – w/URegina & UOttawa – UW share $47,934 |
$24,000 $36,000 |
CITO (added by CITO) |
ELEM2 w/A. An |
$50,000 |
OpenText |
UW General DB Research |
$66,000 |
OpenText |
Recommender systems w/A. An; Stefy NLP w/V. Keselj |
2003 |
$59,000 |
Operating Grant A4309 |
$90,000 |
CRD w/Open Text |
$66,000 |
OpenText |
Recommender systems w/A. An; Stefy NLP w/V. Keselj |
2004 |
$59,000 |
Operating Grant A4309 |
$75,000 |
CRD w/Open Text |
$66,000 |
OpenText |
Recommender systems w/A. An; Stefy NLP w/V. Keselj |
$200,000 |
PUL w/5 others |
2005 |
$59,000 |
Operating Grant A4309 |
$75,000 |
CRD w/Open Text |
$200,000 |
PUL w/5 others |
2006 |
$55,000 |
Operating |
$25,000 |
York |
Starter |
1984-1991, NRCC awarded a $25,000 annual contract for editing Computational
From 1992-1994, Blackwell’s
awarded a $10,000US annual contract for editing Computational Intelligence
From 1994-2002, Blackwell’s
awarded a $5,000US annual contract for editing Computational Intelligence
NRCC Postgraduate Scholarship
1973-1975 and University of Alberta Dissertation Fellowship 1974
Columbo Devlin Outstanding
Alumnus for contributions to Education – University of Steubenville 1988
CSCSI/SCEIO Distinguished
Service Award for contributions to Canadian Artificial Intelligence, 1996.
Fellow of the IEEE, 2002 – IEEE
Fellow for contributions to Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2002
Research Seminars and Invited Talks
1975 Sept 3-9 Fourth
IJCAI, Tbilisi, USSR Nov 1 Thirteenth ACL, Boston, MA.
1976 May 14 Virginia Academy of Sciences June 3 Ohio State University Seminar
1977 Jan 7 University of British Columbia Seminar Aug 24 Fifth IJCAI, Boston, MA.
Nov 10
1978 Apr 3-7 Fifth
ALLC, Birmingham, England July 2 Second CSCSI/SCEIO, Toronto, Ont.
1979 Aug 20 Fourth
ICCH, Hanover, NH. Aug 23 IFIP DB Conference, Hanover, NH.
Oct 20 WECOL
IX, Vancouver, BC.
1980 Mar 28 Sixth
ALLC, Cambridge, England Oct 28 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Seminar
Nov 20
Universite de Quebec a Montréal Dec 2 Clarkson College of Tech.
and Consulting Dec 11 Bolt, Beranek and Newman Seminar
1981 Feb 18 DPMA
Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Feb 25 ACM Computer Sci. Conf., St. Louis
11 Queen’s University Seminar Sep 16 Pacific Vocational Inst.
Public Lecture
Dec 10
University of Alberta Seminar
1982 Feb 4 SFU
Physics Department Seminar Mar 19 University of British Columbia Seminar
May 18
Fourth CSCSI/SCEIO, Saskatoon
1983 Jan 13 LCCR-MPR
Seminar Series May 13 Graphics Interface 83 – Edmonton
May 24 AI-Robotics
Workshop, Univ. of B. C. June 11 CDBHSS Conf., Rutgers Univ., N.J.
13 University of Saskatchewan Seminar Nov 13 Boeing Computer Services
Bellevue, Washington
1984 May 10 CIPS
Session ’84 Conference Apr 27 First Compdec Conf., panel sess., LA
May 10
CIPS Session ’84, Calgary, Alberta May 15 Fifth CSCSI/SCEIO, panel session,
London, Ontario
May 16
Fifth CSCSI/SCEIO, London, Ontario May 18 Waterloo University Seminar
May 22
Queen’s University Seminar Oct 11 Research Directions
Seminar, SFU
Nov 30
University of Toronto Seminar
1985 Jan 21 Michigan State University Seminar Feb 6 Univ. of British Columbia Seminar
Feb 13
Vancouver PC Club Seminar Mar 6 Vancouver Comm. College –
Apr 30
Ohio State University Seminar May 29 Theoretical Issues in
4-5 CIPS Congress ’85 (3 talks) June 12 McGill Univ.
Summer Inst. Seminar
Nov 11
West. Washington St. Univ. Seminar Dec 11 IEEE Comp. Soc. – Vancouver Chap.
Dec 12
Pi Digamma (SFU) Society
1986 Jan 16 University of Washington Seminar Feb 4 IEEE Data Engineering Conf. Tutorial
Feb 7 University of Western Ont. Seminar Feb 9 Queen’s Univ., CAPD Keynote Address
Feb 11
Queen’s University Seminar Feb 24 University of Kentucky Seminar
Feb 26
University of Waterloo Seminar Mar 25 Univ. of Massachusetts Seminar
Apr 9 University of Tokyo Seminar Apr 10 ICOT Seminar
Apr 11
Keio University (Tokyo) Seminar Apr 16 Fudan Univ. (Shanghai) Seminar
Apr 18
Nanjing Inst. of Technology Seminar Apr 19 Nanjing Ins. of Technology
Apr 28
Taiwan IEEE Chapter Seminar June 17 Vancouver DPMA
10 Univ.of Victoria Sem. – Comp. Sci. Sept 24 CIAR Seminar
Oct 21
Univ. of Victoria Sem. – Linguistics
1987 Jan 30 Univ. of Victoria Sem. – Formal Sys. Mar 3 Univ. of Victoria Sem.r – Comp. Sci.
Mar 10
IEEE Victoria Chapter Seminar May 12 Coun. of Biology Editors
Ann. Meet.
June 3 Ontario Comp. & Humanities Conf. Oct 12 17th Num. Math & Comp. Conf.
Dec 10 System
38 User’s Group Seminar (invited speaker)
1988 Apr 29 Simon Fraser University Seminar May 5 CIPS Sem. – Knowledge-Based Sys.
June 1
Unisys Canada Inc. Seminar (Vanc.) June 2 Unisys Canada Inc. Seminar
18 System 38 Users, Richmond, B.C. Dec 12 Hong Kong Productivity Seminar
Dec 15 Nanjing
Inst. of Technology Seminar Dec 20 Int. Computer Science Conf. Sem.
1989 Jan 10 IBM
Canada Labs Seminar Feb 21 Port Coquitlam Comp. Club Seminar
Seminar May 11 GTE – AI Workshop – invited speaker
June 9 16th
ALLC/9th ICCH – Toronto Aug 29 IFIP – San Francisco
14 CBE/AESE/EASE Conference Sept 15 Univ. of Waterloo Sem. – SystemX
Dec 9 KBCS’89
Conference, Bombay
1990 Feb 2 Courant
Institute Seminar Feb 6 Sixth Intern. IEEE Data Engineering
Feb 7 Sixth
Intern.l IEEE Data Engineering Mar 12 CIPS Vancouver Chapter
May 21
Michigan State Univ. Seminar July 20 3rd Int. Robotics &
25 Computational Intelligence ’90 Oct 25 Third Int. Symp. on AI, Monterrey
Mexico – invited speaker
1991 Feb 7 Simon
Fraser Univ. Seminar Mar 19 Univ. of Alberta Seminar
Apr 15
Kyushu Inst. of Tech. Seminar Apr 16 Univ. of Hiroshima Seminar
Oct 5 JAJSNLP’91,
Iizuka, Japan Dec 13 IEEE ISCOM’91, Tainan, Taiwan
1992 Feb 28 Simon
Fraser Univ. Seminar Mar 3 University of Regina Seminar
Mar 9 University of Victoria Seminar May 12 CSCSI Machine Learning Workshop
12 2nd IRIS-PRECARN Conference July 13 2nd BC Workshop on Intell.
Aug 25 31st
Conf. of Metallurgists – invited. Dec 11 KMITT seminar, Bangkok
1993 Mar 24 University of Regina Basterfield Lct. May 7 University of Regina Psych Dept.
June 8 3rd
IRIS-PRECARN Conference June 9 3rd IRIS-PRECARN Conference
30 University of Alberta invited lecture Oct 11 Banff Wkshop on Rough
Sets plenary
1994 Feb 22 KMITT
seminar, Bangkok Apr 12 SFU – IRIS presentation lecture
May 18 15th
CSCSI Conf. Banff, Alberta Jun 22 4th IRIS-PRECARN Conference
Aug 17 3rd
PRICAI Conf. Beijing – invited. Aug 17 3rd PRICAI Conf. Panel presentation
30 Univ. of Alberta – Dist. Alumni Lect. Oct 11 Kyushu Inst. Tech
Oct 12 Oita University seminar Nov 29 Rogers Cablevision – Vancouver
meeting – Calgary
1995 Jan 18 PACE
Cmte meeting – Regina Mar 21 SRC Seminar
Apr 27 SS
IEEE Chapter seminar – Regina Aug 2 2ndSNLP – Bangkok (invited)
Aug 21
KDD – Montreal Oct 17 Conf on Metallurgists
– Regina
Nov 24 SS
IEEE Chapter seminar – Regina
1996 May 23 CSCSI
Invited Talk – Toronto May 24 CSCSI Talk
June 5 IRIS
II presentation – Montreal Dec 10 University of Waterloo seminar
1997 Feb 20 University of Santa Clara seminar Feb 24 University of Santa Clara seminar
Feb 27 University of Santa Clara seminar May 31 UBC (VST) seminar – keynote speaker
Jun 12 7th
IRIS-PRECARN Conference Jun 26 NLDB’97 Vancouver
Jun 27 NLDB’97
Vancouver – keynote speaker Sept 4 PACLING’97 Tokyo – keynote speaker
Sept 8 Wkshop’97
Iizuka – keynote speaker
1998 Mar 28 Canadian
Electricity Conf seminar Sep 3 IBM Wkshop – Elect. Commerce seminar
1999 Mar 23 UPolytech
Valencia seminar May 8 UW Stats LDS Symposium – seminar
15 U. Western Ontario seminar Aug 1 IDEAS Conference, Montreal – seminar
Nov 8 RSFDGrC’99
– Talk 1 – Japan Nov 8 RSFDGrC’99 – Talk 2 – Japan
2000 Jan 27 Data
M ining short course – ICR Jan 28 Data M ining short course – ICR
Apr 12 SUNY
Buffalo – seminar May 8 Chulalongkorn Univ seminar – Thailand
May 11 SNLP’2000
invited talk – Thailand May 17 CSCSI’2000 talk – Montreal
2001 Feb 20 CFI
e-business workshop Sept 11 Pacling’2001 talk – Kitakyushu
12 Pacling’2001 talk – Kitakyushu Sept 14 Pacling’2001 invited
talk – Kitakyus
17 HK Poly Univ talk – Hong Kong Sept 24 CS, Dalhousie University – seminar
Oct 23 WI’2001
invited talk – Maebashi City Oct 24 WI’2001 talk – Maebashi City Nov 6 Thommasat Univ talk – Bangkok Nov
7 Mahidol Univ seminar – Bangkok Nov 8 Mahidol
Univ seminar – Bangkok Nov 9 Chulalongkorn
seminar – Bangkok Nov 12 KMUTT seminar – Thonburi Nov
15 KMUTT seminar – Thonburi Nov 16 NECTEC
seminar – Bangkok
2002 Oct 18 HK
Poly Univ talk 65 Annv.- Hong Kong Dec 12 Yamaguchi seminar
Dec 16 Mahidol
Univ seminar – Bangkok Dec 17 Mahidol Univ seminar – Bangkok
2003 Jan 10 Adventis
talk – New Jersey Jan 24 Graduate talk – Dalhousie
17 Open Text seminar – Waterloo May 16 Univ of Alberta seminar
seminar – Bangkok Aug 23 Pacling’2003 talk – Halifax
11 Mahidol Univ seminar – Bangkok Sept 12 Mahidol Univ seminar – Bangkok
Oct 14 WI/IAT
conference – Halifax Nov 9 HK Baptist Univ – seminar
Nov 28 Alzehiemer’s
wkshop – Halifax
2004 Jan 14 Symantec
presentation – Ca Mar 7 HK Poly Univ talk – Hong Kong Apr
23 Precarn project present – Halifax May
13 Energy 2004 – Antigonish
19 WI/IAT’04 workshop seminar 1 Sept 19 WI/IAT’04 workshop seminar 2
2005 Mar 10 Aliant
presentation – Halifax Jul 13 Dalhousie Univ. talk – Halifax Jul 18 Mahidol Univ. seminar – Bangkok Jul
19 Mahidol Univ. seminar – Bangkok
Jul 20 Mahidol Univ. seminar – Bangkok Aug 24 Pacling’2005 talk – Tokyo
Aug 25 Pacling’2005
invited talk – Tokyo Dec 20 Mahidol Univ. seminar – Bangkok
2006 Jun 28 KMITL
seminar – Bangkok
Teaching Experience
Institution |
Course |
Title |
Dalhousie University |
CSCI4150 |
Artificial |
University of Waterloo |
CS499 |
Special |
*CS786O |
NL Processing |
University of Regina |
CS490 |
Special |
CS891 |
Reading |
CS891 |
AI and |
CS420/CS820 |
Artificial |
CS832 |
Intelligent |
University of Victoria |
*CSC574D |
Knowledge |
CSC480C/574C |
Artificial |
CSC585 |
Graduate |
B.C. |
*Pascal |
Rensselaer |
CMPT 66600 |
Advanced |
CMPT 66110 |
Computer |
Simon Fraser University |
*CMPT001 |
Computers |
CMPT 103 |
Intro to a |
CMPT 105 |
Fundamental |
CMPT110/280 |
Comp. & |
*CMPT380 |
Comp. |
*CMPT380 |
Comp. |
*CMPT380 |
Comp. |
CMPT383 |
Comparative |
*CMPT410 |
Artificial |
CMPT820/882 |
Artificial |
CMPT315/415 |
Art. Int. |
University of Alberta |
*CMPUT 215 |
Data |
CMPUT 315 |
Comp. |
Old Dominion University |
CS100 |
Intro to |
CS315 |
Data |
CS594 |
Computing |
Ohio State University |
CS543 |
Programming |
CS641 |
Programming |
· developed as a new course
Graduate Student Supervision
Senior Supervisor (or co-supervisor)
Dates |
Student |
Degree |
Univ. |
Thesis |
Employment |
1978-79 |
Robert |
Ph.D. |
Trans |
Prof., |
1979-82 |
Max |
M.Sc. |
Perfect |
Working |
1979-84 |
Scott |
M.Sc. |
Design |
Self-employed |
1982-83 |
Robert |
M.Sc. |
A |
Prof., |
1982-84 |
Fred |
M.Sc. |
Automated |
Inst., |
1983-86 |
Tomacz |
Ph.D. |
The |
Prof., |
1984-85 |
Fred |
M.Sc. |
Unrestricted Gapping Grammars: Theory, Implementation |
Prof., |
1985-88 |
Stefan |
M.Sc. |
Unrestricted Gapping Grammars: Theory, Implementation |
Inst., |
1985-86 |
Gary |
M.Sc. |
The |
Programmer |
1985-86 |
Mimi |
M.Sc. |
Generating |
Industry, |
Visited Victoria 1986/87 academic year & unofficially supervised |
Cripps (Muller), |
1986-87 |
Andrew |
M.Sc. |
UVic |
Aspects |
Industry, England |
1986-87 |
Jerome |
M.Sc. |
UVic |
FRLjw |
1986-88 |
Garth |
M.Sc. |
UVic |
Inexactness |
1986-87 |
Lorin |
M.Sc. |
UVic |
A |
Back to SFU after one |
1988-89 |
Yandong |
M.Sc. |
Attribute |
Univ. of Illinois |
1988-90 |
Russell |
M.Sc. |
Constraint |
1988-90 |
Carl |
M.Sc. |
Inheritance Reasoning & Head Driven Phrase Structure |
Prof., |
1990-91 |
Eric |
M.Sc. |
Transformation |
Nortel |
1988-92 |
Christine |
Ph.D. |
Inferential Modeling Technique for Semantic Representation |
Prof., |
1987-92 |
T. |
Ph.D. |
Aspects |
Crystal Services |
1985-92 |
Howard |
Ph.D. |
Specification |
Prof., |
1985-92 |
Xiobing |
M.Sc. |
Qualitative |
1990-92 |
Xiaohua |
M.Sc. |
Conceptual |
Prof., |
1992-93 |
Jean |
M.Sc. |
Impedances |
B.C. |
1992-93 |
Jinshi |
M.Sc. |
Attribute-Oriented |
1991-93 |
Yao Yuan |
M.Sc. |
Design |
1992-94 |
David |
M.Sc. |
Regina |
Concept |
1992-95 |
M.Sc. |
A Hybrid O-O/Logic Framework with Applications to Chromosomal |
Chief Scientist at Valtech |
1993-95 |
Xiaohua |
Ph.D. |
Regina |
Concept Discovery using Rough Sets in Databases |
Prof., Drexel University |
1994-96 |
Salla |
M.Sc. |
Regina |
Expert Network Configuration |
SaskTel |
1994- |
Shinta |
Ph.D. |
Regina |
Natural Language Interfaces for Health Databases |
SaskTel |
1995- |
Ning |
Ph.D. |
Regina |
Knowledge Discovery using Rough Sets in Databases |
Working in Maryland |
1995-96 |
Tony |
M.Sc. |
Regina |
Parallel Learning of Belief Networks from Large Databases |
1995-97 |
Gayathri |
M.Sc. |
Regina |
Natural Language Access to Internet Search Engines |
Crown Life |
1993-97 |
Aijun |
Ph.D. |
Regina |
Analysis Methodologies for Integrated and Enhanced Problem |
Prof., York University |
1997-99 |
Jessie |
M.Math-CS |
Waterloo |
Meta Access to Internet Search Engines |
Working in California |
1995-00 |
Kanlaya |
Ph.D. |
Regina |
Generate and Repair Machine Translation (GRMT) |
Prof., Mahidol University |
1997-01 |
Jianchao |
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
Interactive Visualization for Knowledge Discovery |
Prof., Califor-nia State Univ |
1999-01 |
Amit |
M.Math-CS |
Waterloo |
Tuning Probabilistic Parsers with Plain Text |
PhD student Saarland Univ |
1999-02 |
Jojo |
M.Math |
Waterloo |
NIDGE: Narratively Interactive and Dramatic Games |
Working in Calgary |
2000-02 |
M.Math |
Waterloo |
Relaxed Unification |
PhD student Dalhousie |
1999-02 |
Yanhui |
M.Sc. |
Regina |
Web-based Classification Using Machine Learning Approaches |
PhD student Dalhousie University |
1997-02 |
Vlado |
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
Modular Stochastic HPSGs for Question Answering |
Prof., Dalhou-sie University |
2001-03 |
Ray |
M.Math |
Waterloo |
Project-Exploiting Prediction to Improve |
Project Manager, Kanayo |
1998-03 |
YingWei |
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
Binary One Algorithm: Retrieving High-Frequency words |
Prof., University of PEI |
1999-03 |
Fletcher |
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
Exploring Model-Based Methods for Reinforcement Learning |
Researcher, Univ. of Waterloo |
2003-05 |
Sittichai |
M.C.Sc. |
Dalhousie |
Automatic Biological Term Annotation using n-gram and |
PhD student University of Alberta |
2003-05 |
Asad |
M.C.Sc. |
Dalhousie |
Automatic Annotation of Semantic Web Documents |
Working in Halifax |
2001-05 |
Xiangdong |
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
Towards Dynamic Multiagent Probablistic Inference: Testbeds |
PostDoc, |
2001-05 |
Jae-Huack |
Ph.D. |
Guelph |
Baysian Machine Learning |
2004-05 |
Puntip |
Ph.D. |
Mahidol |
Selecting Attributes for |
Lecturer, |
1999-06 |
Zhenmei |
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
Adaptive |
PostDoc, |
Currently Supervisor (or Co-supervisor)
Dates |
Student |
Degree |
University |
Thesis Topic |
2006- |
Onintra |
Ph.D. |
Dalhousie |
Multimedia applications to Education |
2005- |
Sumalee |
Ph.D. |
Mahidol |
2000- |
Jiye |
Ph.D. |
Waterloo |
Association Rules and Recommendation Systems |
2002- |
Lalita |
Ph.D. |
Dalhousie |
Speech Prosody |
2003- |
Daan |
Ph.D. |
Dalhousie |
Image Analysis |
2003- |
Tony |
Ph.D. |
Dalhousie |
Relaxed Unification |
2003- |
Yanhui |
Ph.D. |
Dalhousie |
Health informatics |
2004- |
Atorn |
Ph.D. |
Mahidol |
Thai Text Categorization & Retrieval for Item Bank |
2004- |
Numtip |
Ph.D. |
Mahidol |
Self Generate Information of Unknown Word System |
2004- |
Srisavakon |
Ph.D. |
Mahidol |
Thai Text to Thai Sign Language System |
2004- |
Thammanoon |
Ph.D. |
Mahidol |
Thai Sign to Thai |
Date |
Student |
Degree |
University |
1977 |
Gordon |
Ph.D. |
1983 |
Mostafa |
M.Sc. |
University of Saskatchewan |
1984 |
Robert |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1989 |
Phil |
Ph.D. |
University of Washington |
1989 |
Claudia |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1989 |
Christi |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1989 |
Scott |
M.Sc. |
University of Victoria |
1989 |
Keith |
Ph.D. |
University of Waterloo |
1989 |
Julia |
Ph.D. |
1992 |
Hong |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1995 |
Darrell |
Ph.D. |
Queen’s |
1996 |
Andrew |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1997 |
Lottie |
M.Sc. |
University of Saskatchewan |
1997 |
Yang |
Ph.D. |
University of Waterloo |
1998 |
Punam |
Ph.D. |
University of Delhi |
2004 |
Manuel |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
2004 |
Verayuth |
Ph.D. |
Sirindhorn |
Served on Supervisory Committee
Date |
Student |
Degree |
University |
1979-81 |
Jean |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1979-82 |
Patrick |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1980-82 |
Thomas |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1981-83 |
Ed |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1982-84 |
A. |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1983-86 |
David |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1983-87 |
Gary |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1983-86 |
Shun-en |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1986-87 |
Sen |
M.Sc. |
University of Victoria |
1986-91 |
J. |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1987-89 |
Paul |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1987-88 |
X. |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1987-90 |
X. |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1987-89 |
K. |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1989-91 |
Q. |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1990-94 |
R. |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1990-93 |
L. |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1990-92 |
Z. |
Ph.D. |
Simon Fraser University |
1991-93 |
Y. |
M.Sc. |
Simon Fraser University |
1994-95 |
Colin |
M.Sc. |
University of Regina |
1996-97 |
J. |
M.Sc. |
University of Regina |
1996-98 |
Jianna |
Ph.D. |
University of Regina |
1997- |
Peter |
Ph.D. |
University of Waterloo – 2nd |
1997-03 |
Matthew |
Ph.D. |
University of Waterloo – 2nd |
1998-00 |
Robert |
Ph.D. |
University of Regina |
1998 |
Michael |
M.Math, |
University of Waterloo |
1998 |
Zhe |
M.Math, |
University of Waterloo |
1999 |
Steven |
M.Math, |
University of Waterloo |
1999 |
Curtis |
M.Math, |
University of Waterloo |
2000-03 |
Theo |
Ph.D. |
Dalhousie University |
2002-04 |
Calvin |
M.C.Sc. |
Dalhousie University |
2003-04 |
Yingbo |
M.C.Sc. |
Dalhousie University |
2006 |
Michael |
M.C.Sc. |
Dalhousie University |
Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Scientist Supervisor
Year |
Scientist |
Position |
University |
Employment |
1985-95 |
Gary |
Research |
Simon Fraser University |
Systems Programmer, SFU |
1984-87 |
Paul |
Research |
Simon Fraser University |
Chair, Linguistics, SFU |
1986-92 |
Chris |
Research |
Simon Fraser University |
Simon Fraser |
1986-87 |
Tomacz |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Simon Fraser University |
Prof., SUNY Albany |
1986-94 |
Dan |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Simon Fraser University |
Simon Fraser |
1993-95 |
Xu |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
University of Regina |
Hiroshima University |
1993-94 |
Michael |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
University of Regina |
Naval Postgraduate School |
1995-96 |
Weidong |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
University of Regina |
Empress Software, Toronto |
1994-97 |
Colin |
Research |
University of Regina |
The Brick, Calgary |
1995-97 |
Robert |
Research |
University of Regina |
Prof., University of Regina |
1996-98 |
Carlos |
Research |
University of Regina |
1997-01 |
Aijun |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
University of Waterloo |
Prof., York University |
1998-99 |
Jianna |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
University of Waterloo |
Prof., Western Washington State University |
2001-03 |
Jimmy |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
University of Waterloo |
Prof., York University |
2003-04 |
Phyllis |
Research |
University of Waterloo |
Ph.D. student, Dalhousie University |
2004-05 |
Chutima |
Research |
Dalhousie University |
Ph.D. student, Sirindhorn International Inst. of |
2004-05 |
Puntip |
Research |
Dalhousie University |
Ph.D. student, Mahidol University |
2005- |
Xiangdong |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Dalhousie University |
2006- |
Zhenmei |
Postdoctoral |
Dalhousie University |
Professional Activities
University Related
1978 – 1980 Graduate Studies Chairman, Computing
1981- 1985 Chairman of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University
1985 Search Committee, SFU VP Research
and Information Systems
Search Committee, Director of
SFU Computing Services
1985- SFU Senate (reelected in 1988, 1991)
1985 – 1987 SFU Senate Committee on Scholarships and
1987 – 1992 SFU Senate Committee on Honourary
1988 – 1990 BCIT Advisory Committee for Computer
Technology Program
1989 SFU liaison for Fund Raising of
Chair in Expert Systems for Engineering/Computing
1990 Search Committee, SFU VP Research
and Information Systems
Search Committee, Director of SFU School of Kinesiology
Search Committee, Director of
SFU Centre for Image/Sound Research
Member of President’s Research
Grant Adjudication Committee, summer
1990- 1992 SFU
Senate Committee on Continuing Education
Member of Board of Directors of
Centre for Image/Sound Research
1991 SFU Task Force on Distributed
1992 Chairman of University Committee on
Instructional Computing (COIC)
1993 – 1997 University of Regina Assoicate Vice
President Research
1993 – 1997 University of Regina Dean of Graduate
1993 – 1997 University of Regina International
Liaison Officer
1993 – 1997 University of Regina Senate
1993 – 1997 Saskatchewan Research Council Board
1993 – 1997 University of Regina International
Liaison Officer
1993 – 1997 Regina
Economic Development Authority member
1993 – 1997 Chairman of the Board – The Development
Institute of Saskatchewan
1995 – 1997 Member of the Board – CIBINT Inc.
1997 – 2001 Chairman of Computing Science, University of Waterloo
1997 – 2002 University of Waterloo Senate
1997 – 1999 University of Waterloo Honourary Degrees
2000 – 2002 University of Waterloo Senate Finance
2002 – Dalhousie University Senate
2003 – Dalhousie University Senate Committee on Computing and Information Technology Planning
2002 – Dalhousie
Energy Initiatives
Editorships & Editorial Boards
1978 – 1980 Academic Editor for BC, CIPS Review
1982 – 1983 Regional Editor for Comtex Scientific
Corporation – AI Series
1982 – Editorial Board of Computers and
Mathematics, Elsevier Science
1984 – 2002 Founding Co–Editor for
Computational Intelligence, an International Journal, NRCC Publishers
(1984-1991), Basil Blackwells,
Publishers (1991- )
1985 – 1995 Editorial Board of Expert Systems:
Research and Applications Journal
1986 – Editorial Board of Applied
Mathematics Letters Journal, Elsevier Science
1988 – Editorial Board of Vivek, Bombay India
1993 – 1997 Editorial Board of IEEE Expert
1993 – 1997 Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering
1998 – 2004 Editorial Board of Knowledge and
Information Systems – Amerca’s Editor
1999 – 2001 Editorial Board of ACM SIGMOD Digital
2003 – Editorial
Board of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, IOS Press
2004 -` Editor –in-chief of Knowledge
and Information Systems, Springer
Academic (research) Related
1978-80 Book Reviewer for CHum
1979 Reviewer for Sixth IJCAI
1980 Session Organizer – Third
CSCSI/SCEIO National Conference
1981 Session Organizer – Seventh CMCCS
National Conference
Reviewer for Seventh IJCAI
1982 Program Chairman – Fourth
CSCSI/SCEIO National Conference
Guest Editor for Computers and
Mathematics 9(1), Special Issue – Comp. Linguistics
1983 Guest Editor for IEEE Computer
16(10), Special Issue – Knowledge Representation
1983 Reviewer for Eighth IJCAI
Program Committee – First IEEE
COMPDEC Conference
1984 Panel Session – First IEEE COMPDEC
Reviewer – 24th ACL Conference
Panel Session – Fifth
CSCSI/SCEIO Conference
Session Organizer – CIPS National
Guest Editor for Computers and
Mathematics 11(5), Special Issue on Practical Art. Int. Sys
1984-85 Reviewer for INFOR
1985 Reviewer for Ninth IJCAI
Program Chairman –
Theoretical Approaches to Natural Language Understanding
Program Committee – Second IEEE
COMPDEC Conference
1985 Tutorial Leader on Natural Language
Interfaces – Second IEEE COMPDEC
1986 Program Committee – Sixth
CSCSI/SCEIO National Conference
Program Committee – Third IEEE
COMPDEC Conference
1986- Reviewer – IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineering
Reviewer – ACM SIGIR
1987 Program Co-Chairman – Seventh
CSCSI/SCEIO National Conference
1988 Program Committee – Fourth IEEE
COMPDEC Conference
Program Committee –
Computational Intelligence Conference – Milan, Italy.
Reviewer – IEEE Software, IEEE
Computer, ACM Information Systems, ACMTODS
1989 Reviewer – IEEE Software, IEEE
Computer, ACM Information Systems, IEEE PAMI
Panel Organizer – 11th IFIP
Congress ’89 on Knowledge Based Systems
1990 Program Chairman for 7th
International IEEE Data Engineering Conf. – Kobe, Japan
Program Chairman for 3rd
International Computational Intelligence Conf. – Milan, Italy
Panel Organizer – 6th
International IEEE Data Engineering Conf. – Los Angeles, CA.
Program Committee for
Reviewer for NSERC, SSHRC, BC Science, CSCSI, IEEE PAMI, IEEE Software, IEEE Computer,
Computers and Mathematics,…
1991- Advisory Board – International
Conference on the App’l of AI in Engineering
Program Committee, ICCI’91
General Chairman for 8th
International IEEE Data Engineering Conf. – Phoenix, AZ.
1992- Steering Committee for IEEE Data
Engineering Conference
Editorial Board – IEEE Expert
1992 Program Committee, ICPADS’92 (Int.
Conf. on Parallel & Distributed Systems) – Hsinchu, TW
1992 Vice Chair – 13th Int. Conf. on
Distributed Computing Systems – Pittsburgh
1993 – 97 Editorial Board – IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering
Program Committee, Data &
Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing & Engr., Hong Kong
1994 Program Committee, Int. Conference
on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (TAI-6)
1994 – Program Committee, VLDB 20, Santiago, Chile
Reviewer and Panelist, Expert
Systems and Databases, National Science Foundation, U.S.A.
Program Committee, IPCCC’95
NSERC CORC committee
1994-95 Program Committee, First Int. Conf on
Knowledge Discovery & Database Mining (KDD-95)
1995-96 Program Committee, Second Int. Conf on
Knowledge Discovery & Database Mining (KDD-96)
1995 Program Committee, Int. Conference
on Rough Sets (RST-95)
1995 Program Committee, Int. Conference
on Tools for Artificial Intelligence (TAI-7)
1996-97 Program Committee, Third Int. Conf on
Knowledge Discovery & Database Mining (KDD-97)
1997 Program Committee, Pacific Assoc.
for Comp. Linguistics (Pacling-97)
1997 Program Committee, Rough Sets and
Soft Computing (RSSC-97)
1998 Program Committee, Cdn Society for
Comp. Studies of Intelligence Conf. (CAI-98)
1998 Program Committee, Int. Conf. on
Knowledge Based Computer Systems, India (KBCS-98)
1998 Program Committee, Int. Conf. on
Knowledge Systems and Dist. Intell., Beijing (KSDI-98)
1998 Program Committee, IEEE KDEX Workshop, Taiwan
1999 Program and General Chairman,
PACLING’99. Waterloo.
2000 Program Chairman, SNLP’2000, Thailand.
Steering Committee for IEEE Data
Mining Conference
Program Co-Chairman, IEEE
Data Mining Conference, San Jose, California
Program Committee, World
Computer Congress (WCC’2000) in Beijing, August 20-25, 2000.
Program Committee, Computational
Intelligence; Methods & Applications (CIMA 2001)
Program Committee, CDN
Artificial Intelligence (CSCSI/SCEIO 2001
Program Committee (reviewer) for CSCSI/SCEIO’2001, SNLP’2002 in Bangkok, ISMIS’2002,
IEEE International Workshop on
Natural Language processing and Knowledge Engineering
(NLPKE’2001), RSCTC’2002, CIMA
2001 and IEEE KDEX Workshop Taiwan.
2002 Program
Committee (reviewer) for CSCSI/SCEIO’2002, ISMIS’2003, RSCTC’2002
2003 Program Co-chair,PAKDD’04
Program Committee (reviewer) for
CSCSI/SCEIO’2003, ISMIS’2004, RSCTC’2004
General Chair, IEEE
General Chair,
2004 Program Co-chair, IEEE
Program Committee (reviewer) for PAKDD’05,
ISMIS’2005, FDM05, WI/IAT 2005 – Vice Chair, CSCSI/SCEIO’2004, RSFDGrC
2005, X CIARP, ACL 2005, IEEE GrC
2005 Program
Committee (reviewer) for PAKDD’06, RSKT2006, IEEE GrC, WSEAS Working Group on
Government Related
1981 Reviewer – National Science
Foundation Grants
1984 Site visitor for NSERC
1985 Site visit committee chairman for
1985 Co-Chairman of Planning Committee –
B.C. Advanced Systems Institute
1986- Member
of Scientific Advisory Board – B.C. Advanced Systems Institute
1988 – 1990 Member of the Interdisciplinary NSERC
Grants Selection Committee
1988 Site
visitor for NSERC
1988 – 1989 Member of PRECARN’s IRIS research
committee for Centres of Excellence
1989 – member of the IRIS NCE Research
Committee and Project Leader for IRIS
1989 – 1991 NRCC Advisory Committee for Artificial
1990 – 1991 Member of B.C. SPARK Committee on
Information Technology
1990 – 1992 Area Coordinator (knowledge-based
systems) of the IRIS NCE & Project Leader for IRIS
1991 Site
visitor for NSERC
1991 Member of the Interdisciplinary
NSERC Grants Selection Committee (1 extra year)
1991 – 1994 Area Coordinator (knowledge-based
systems) of the IRIS NCE & Project Leader for IRIS
invited member of NSERC workshop
on mission statement for information technology
1993 – 1997 Theme Coordinator (human-machine
interfaces) of the IRIS II NCE proposal & Project Leader for
1993 – 1997 Canadian Genome Assessment of Technology
(CGAT) management board
1993 – 1997 Member
of Telecom’s Policy Cmte, Regina Economic Development Authority (REDA)
1993 – 1997 Member of the Provincial
Telecommunications Committee – Provincial Secretary (SK)
1994 – 1997 Member of the Board – CANARIE
1994 – 1997 Member of the Board – CanTech
1994 – 1996 Member of PACE (Provincial Action
Committee on Economics)
1996 Member of NSF Review Committee
1995 Member of the Collaborative Grants
Panel – NSERC Committee
1996 – 1998 Member of the Strategic Panel for
Information Technology – NSERC Committee
1998 Member of NSF Review Committee for
KDI (Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence)
1998 – 2002 Member of the Canadian Foundation for
Innovation Panel
1998 – 2002 Member of the CITO Review Panel
1998 Member of the Steacie Awards
1999 – 2003 Member of the Canada Research Chairs
Interdisciplinary Committee
2002 Member of the Steacie Awards
2003 Site visit chair for NSERC Networks
2004 – Member
of the NSERC CHRP (Cdn Health Research Projects) Committee
2004 Member of the Steacie Awards
1982 – 1984 President, Canadian Society for the
Computational Studies of Intelligence
1984 Elected member of the Fifth
Generation steering committee (NSERC)
1984 – 1985 Consultant to Boeing Computer Services, Bellevue, Washington
1985 – 1990 President, Canadian Society for Fifth
Generation Research
1987 Consultant to AAL Autometrics Ltd.
1989 External Reviewer of University of Saskatchewan’s Computational Science Department
External Reviewer of University
of Ottawa/Carleton joint Ph.D. program in Computing
1989 – 1993 Board of Directors for Centre for Image
and Sound Research (CISR)
1990 External Reviewer of University of Regina’s Computer Science Department for CIPS
1991 – 1993 Member of Research Committee for Centre
for Image and Sound Research (CISR)
1991 – 1994 President, Cdn Assoc for Computer
Science/Assoc Informtique Canadienne (CACS/AIC)
1993 External Reviewer of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Science
1994 Consultant to Showbase Media, Aylmer, Quebec
1995 – 1996 External Reviewer of University of
Victoria’s Computer Science Department (Chair of cmte)
1996 External Reviewer of BCIT’s Bachelor
of Technology Degree (Chair of cmte)
1996 External Reviewer of Carleton University’s Computer Science Department
1996 External Reviewer of Acadia Univ’s
Graduate Program in Computer Science (Chair of cmte)
1998 – 1999 Consultant to Open Text Corporation, Waterloo, Ontario
1999 – 2001 External Reviewer of Sultan Qaboos University’s Computer Science Department (Oman)
1999 – 2002 Global Information Networking Institute
– member of the Scientific Advisory Board
2001 – 2002 Consultant to Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2001 – Consultant to Mahidol University
2001 – Consultant to King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
2001 – 2004 President, PACLING
2003 – 2005 Academic Advisor to Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2004 External Reviewer of Hong Kong Baptist University’s Computer Science Department
2005 External Reviewer of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Physics & Computing Department
*Dr. Gordon McCalla Professor
B. Chandrasekaran, Director L.A.I.R.
Department of Computer Science Computer
& Information Science Department
University of Saskatchewan The
Ohio State University
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0W0 Columbus, Ohio 43210
*Prof. Alan Mackworth *Dr.
Tom Calvert, VP Research
Department of Computer Science Technical University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia 301
– 10334 152A Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1W5 Surrey, BC V3R 7P8
*Dr. Johnny Wong
School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
* could comment especially
well on administrative capabilities as well as academic abilities